================ #jenkins Meeting ================ Meeting started by kohsuke at 18:05:09 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2015/jenkins.2015-04-15-18.05.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda (kohsuke, 18:05:48) * Recap of actions (kohsuke, 18:05:57) * http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2015/jenkins.2015-04-01-18.02.html (kohsuke, 18:06:37) * Recap of actions (kohsuke, 18:06:49) * http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2015/jenkins.2015-04-01-18.02.html (kohsuke, 18:06:51) * ACTION: kohsuke to still write to Christina (kohsuke, 18:08:04) * LINK: https://botbot.me/ works pretty good (Err0, 18:15:17) * LINK: https://github.com/BotBotMe (KostyaSha, 18:18:22) * ACTION: danielbeck to reconfirm if we should still remove mirror.bit.edu.cn given that it appears to be functioning again (kohsuke, 18:28:07) * Migrate Jenkins-on-Jenkins jobs onto jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com (kohsuke, 18:28:44) * ACTION: kohsuke to check the feasibility of using ldap.jenkins-ci.org with jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com (kohsuke, 18:43:16) * ACTION: rtyler to write out some ideas on managing and providing a staging Jenkins infrastructure for developers (rtyler, 19:03:28) * ACTION: kohsuke to figure out what job migration from J-on-J looks like (rtyler, 19:04:19) * next meeting (kohsuke, 19:07:04) * the next meeting is 4/29 (kohsuke, 19:07:21) Meeting ended at 19:07:29 UTC. Action Items ------------ * kohsuke to still write to Christina * danielbeck to reconfirm if we should still remove mirror.bit.edu.cn given that it appears to be functioning again * kohsuke to check the feasibility of using ldap.jenkins-ci.org with jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com * rtyler to write out some ideas on managing and providing a staging Jenkins infrastructure for developers * kohsuke to figure out what job migration from J-on-J looks like Action Items, by person ----------------------- * kohsuke * kohsuke to still write to Christina * kohsuke to check the feasibility of using ldap.jenkins-ci.org with jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com * kohsuke to figure out what job migration from J-on-J looks like * rtyler * rtyler to write out some ideas on managing and providing a staging Jenkins infrastructure for developers * **UNASSIGNED** * danielbeck to reconfirm if we should still remove mirror.bit.edu.cn given that it appears to be functioning again People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * kohsuke (109) * KostyaSha (66) * rtyler (37) * oleg-nenashev (13) * ogondza (4) * jenkins-admin (3) * hare_brain (3) * arminius (3) * Err0 (3) * jenkins-builds (3) * sfisque (1) * robobutler (1) * publiccert (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://www.jenkins-ci.org/meetings/