19:00:07 <kohsuke_> #startmeeting 19:00:07 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 19:00:17 <kohsuke_> #chair rtyler hare_brain 19:00:17 <robobutler> Current chairs: hare_brain kohsuke_ rtyler 19:00:32 <kohsuke_> #topic LTS RC status check 19:00:50 <ogondza> kohsuke_: ready for RC 19:01:08 <kohsuke_> I failed once again to push 1.596.1 in time, so my hats off to you ogondza 19:01:26 <ogondza> no problem 19:01:46 <kohsuke_> #topic Recap last meeting's actions 19:02:12 <kohsuke_> And let's see what those are 19:02:34 <kohsuke_> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2015/jenkins.2015-02-18-19.01.html 19:02:57 <KostyaSha> rtyler, to board 19:03:01 <kohsuke_> So it's basically mine 19:04:04 <kohsuke_> I was hoping to find one more person aside from rtyler and run a confidence vote 19:04:23 <kohsuke_> ... to increase the board to 5 people and let us remove "interim" 19:04:36 <oleg-nenashev> what about jglick? 19:04:46 <hare_brain> Too much CloudBees representation. 19:04:48 <kohsuke_> but during the podcast recording abayer wanted to just hand over his seat to rtyler 19:04:55 <oleg-nenashev> He's committer #2 btw 19:05:08 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_, what about somebody from RH ogondza ? 19:05:49 <kohsuke_> So I think I have more herding to do 19:06:05 <ogondza> I do not object, though I have limited understanding that board responsibilities are 19:06:17 <ogondza> *what 19:06:39 <KostyaSha> ogondza, i don't know at all and don't know how it should help to jenkins as project 19:06:41 <kohsuke_> And what I thought was 20mins recording run like 90mins, and I failed to talk about the nominations 19:06:59 <KostyaSha> rtyler can work on infra now without any titles 19:07:07 <kohsuke_> yes 19:07:20 <kohsuke_> So that's the current status of my action 19:07:33 <kohsuke_> The other AI is to update wolfs. I'll do that. 19:07:58 <kohsuke_> Can we move on to the next topic? 19:08:09 <KostyaSha> + 19:08:17 <kohsuke_> #topic "Patron of Jenkins" 19:08:49 <KostyaSha> orrc, ? 19:09:07 <kohsuke_> So indeed looks like there's no patron for 2015 Q1, 19:09:13 <kohsuke_> #info https://github.com/jenkinsci/patron/blob/gh-pages/messages.xml 19:09:19 <kohsuke_> (scroll to the bottom) 19:10:06 <kohsuke_> but I think it's just a lapse of the hand off. lisa who used to do it handed it over to christina 19:10:37 <orrc> maybe we just need to add a contact point to the patron wiki page 19:10:52 <kohsuke_> There's a ML for that 19:11:50 <kohsuke_> So I'll circle back with her to put this back in order 19:12:02 <kohsuke_> And separate from that, there's a review of this program as a whole 19:12:16 <kohsuke_> That is, how does people feel about this? Is this something we can continue? 19:12:39 <KostyaSha> i will be interested only on whether jenkins has budget for working 19:12:42 <orrc> I think it's fine. has there been any feedback from patrons? 19:12:48 <KostyaSha> or should we cal for donates massively 19:12:55 <kohsuke_> It brings in about $2000+ / quarter, which is sizable money 19:13:35 <hare_brain> I agree with orrc. It’s not about whether to continue it, but whether if people who have signed up are getting value out of it. 19:13:49 <kohsuke_> I know one patron (CB) is happy, but I don't know about other patrons 19:13:59 <KostyaSha> :D 19:14:18 <kohsuke_> Xebia seems to continue doing this, so I think they are happy enough 19:14:20 <ogondza> i proposed this to my manager to give some money to Jenkins project, his question was what can a company that does not make money on Jenkins can get becoming a patron 19:14:31 <ogondza> the point is, there are lot more users than sellers 19:14:47 <ogondza> it is worth to attract those 19:14:56 <KostyaSha> ogondza, provide him comparison to TeamCity costs 19:15:38 <orrc> so, I'd be happy with it continuing. users and (a few) patrons seem happy. I don't think we ever promoted the program on the blog? maybe that would help fill up the slots 19:15:43 <kohsuke_> ogondza: I think we can put a thank you message to RH to recognize their contributions 19:16:07 <KostyaSha> is LTS covered only by RH? 19:16:18 <KostyaSha> i mean release/testing 19:16:32 <hare_brain> #idea give away an open patron slot to show value to the target patron? 19:16:36 <kohsuke_> ogondza: if you can think of something that's more attractive to redhat, I'd love to know 19:16:55 <hare_brain> That would require some analytics on their end to demonstrate an uptick in traffic. 19:17:04 <ogondza> KostyaSha: I do not follow, I think the add space price might be too high if you are not setting Jenkins based product 19:17:26 <ogondza> kohsuke_: I will ask cross BUs and let upstream know 19:17:59 <kohsuke_> #action kohsuke to blog about patron program in the hope to attract more patrons 19:18:14 <kohsuke_> #action kohsuke to ping christina to get the program back in order for Q2 19:18:27 <kohsuke_> should we move on? 19:18:40 <ogondza> y 19:18:46 <kohsuke_> #topic workflow specific mailing list 19:19:28 <kohsuke_> Is that really necessary? 19:19:46 <kohsuke_> jglick: any thoughts? 19:19:50 <hare_brain> I was noticing that the traffic on the users mailing list has been heaving on this topic. 19:19:54 <hare_brain> That’s why I brought it up. 19:20:10 <hare_brain> On certain days, it tends to drown out other messages. 19:20:11 <jglick> I am not opposed, if you think there is enough traffic to warrant it. 19:20:22 <KostyaSha> i think devel maillist is enough 19:20:27 <jglick> The “certain days” are when I get around to reading it. 19:20:28 <jglick> :-) 19:20:37 <KostyaSha> workflow broke enough in core so other devs should follow changes 19:20:46 <KostyaSha> and see discussions 19:20:47 <kohsuke_> hare_brain: I think it's the day jglick binge-replied workflow messages 19:20:51 <jglick> KostyaSha: well this is about user view, not jenkinsci-dev topics. 19:20:52 <hare_brain> This is about a dedicated mailing list for users. 19:21:00 <hare_brain> I think devel should stay together. 19:21:01 <KostyaSha> for user we have user maillist 19:21:28 <jglick> I doubt it is enough volume to merit its own list. 19:21:54 <hare_brain> Looking back, I see that you had binge replies last Wednesday and Thursday. 19:22:00 <hare_brain> Which is when I happened to notice. 19:22:04 <jglick> Yup. 19:22:11 <oleg-nenashev> -1 for the new mailing list. workflow is being integrated everywhere, so there should be a smooth migration at some point 19:22:29 <kohsuke_> I feel it's easier for people if we stick to one users list 19:22:42 <orrc> yup 19:22:49 <jglick> I guess -0 from me. More convenient in some ways to have a separate list, but this can be taken too far. 19:23:30 <KostyaSha> and after 1-2y such maillist will die as usual 19:23:32 <kohsuke_> hare_brain: do you feel strongly one way or the other? 19:23:49 <hare_brain> No, I don’t. 19:24:08 <kohsuke_> #agreed we'll stick to one users list. No workflow specific list, at least for now 19:24:17 <kohsuke_> #topic new release process 19:24:45 <kohsuke_> So basically I'm trying not to become an obstacle here 19:25:02 <kohsuke_> jglick and danielbeck didn't like the current 'rc' branch practice 19:25:20 <kohsuke_> So we'll be ditching that, and switch back to doing release from the master branch 19:25:49 <jglick> Well it was not just ditching the rc branch but finding a decent replacement for hotfixes of serious regressions. 19:26:09 <jglick> That is what commits into rc are supposed to be for today, it just does not work well from a Git standpoint. 19:26:22 <jglick> And we have to wait days for those fixes to be delivered. 19:26:56 <KostyaSha> i think branch + X.Y-Z , where Z can be suitable for hotfixing 19:27:02 <kohsuke_> for the record out of cycle releases for hot fixes have been done number of times, and I'm all for it 19:27:36 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_ why not use 1.600-1 for hotfix to not overlap with lts? 19:27:38 <jglick> Yeah, if 1.678 or whatever is released and found to have some major regression, I would like to publish 1.678-1 or whatever, that day if possible. 19:28:01 <hare_brain> Why not just go to 1.679? 19:28:04 <jglick> KostyaSha: I think that is what he just said. 19:28:10 <kohsuke_> introducing three digit version scheme needs more backend work 19:28:14 <KostyaSha> hare_brain, because people working on master, master can have many commits 19:28:21 <kohsuke_> Doing 1.679 would be easier 19:28:38 <KostyaSha> and will end to other issues 19:28:42 <jglick> Yes, though it breaks the mental model of one release per week, and does not indicate in any way that this was a hotfix. 19:29:13 <hare_brain> Does master really have work in progress? Is there any checking right now that the RC isn’t picking up any such work? 19:29:55 <jglick> master should not have works in progress. 19:30:07 <hare_brain> Right. 19:30:21 <kohsuke_> No formal check beyond the automated tests, but when release is regular it creates expectation among developers that you shall not have WiP in master over the weekend 19:30:25 <jglick> But there are plenty of changes that could well introduce unrelated regressions. I want to be able to do a release that contains just the one-line change I know fixes the reported issue. 19:30:41 <KostyaSha> but not released commits from master are tested during next commits development 19:30:51 <KostyaSha> jglick, +1 19:31:01 <KostyaSha> because even such fix can be not final fix 19:31:06 <jglick> Well, sort of tested, but not very thoroughly. Obviously they introduce regressions. 19:31:15 <KostyaSha> and then we will need -2 to sort out final fix of initial issue 19:31:16 <jglick> (or we would not be having this discussion) 19:31:35 <hare_brain> So release from master, then create hot fix branch to cherry pick changes into when necessary? 19:31:45 <jglick> That was my hope. 19:31:48 <KostyaSha> having additional commits will add more complexity for issue resolution 19:31:54 <KostyaSha> hare_brain, +1 19:32:04 <jglick> Today we cherry pick to rc. 19:32:05 <jglick> Then wait several days. 19:32:06 <kohsuke_> I've done that kind of "let's just add one commit" kind of release in long time ago, which involves creating a new temporary branch and doing a release from there 19:32:06 <KostyaSha> hare_brain, not from master, from 1.600 19:32:18 <KostyaSha> stop, i confused 19:32:23 <jglick> And hope that the merge back to master does not produce weird botched merges (which seems to happen more often than not). 19:32:28 <kohsuke_> It messes up changelog script, but otherwise it works 19:32:52 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_, this is how all projects do, changelog is just problem of automation 19:33:07 <jglick> changelog.html gets messed up today, cannot be any worse. 19:33:30 <kohsuke_> KostyaSha: I dunno. The big company I used to work, there was always a release branch 19:34:01 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_ for regular releases yes, for hotfix only new branches to fix exact issue 19:34:49 <kohsuke_> Are we good with 1.679 as opposed to 1.678-1? 19:34:57 <kohsuke_> I really want to avoid 1.678-1 19:35:03 <jglick> Right, I imagined a new hotfix branch would be created on demand based off the weekly release tag: git checkout -b hotfix-1.678 jenkins-1.678 && mvn -DnewVersion=1.678-1-SNAPSHOT versions:set 19:35:30 <jglick> kohsuke: 1.679 does not work for me, b/c then you are picking up unrelated changes in master, which can have their own regressions. 19:35:50 <jglick> Sounds like there is not consensus here, should be taken to the dev list I guess. 19:35:56 <hare_brain> Why does using 1.679 mean you pick up unrelated changes? 19:36:06 <danielbeck> sorry I'm late 19:36:08 <kohsuke_> No, we are still branching off from the 1.678 release tag. 19:36:13 <hare_brain> You just bump the version in master to 1.680 when you “burn” 1.679" 19:36:23 <jglick> I see. 19:36:28 <kohsuke_> IOW, git checkout -b hotfix-1.678 jenkins-1.678 && mvn -DnewVersion=1.679-SNAPSHOT versions:set 19:36:50 <jglick> And then git checkout master && mvn -DnewVersion=1.680-SNAPSHOT versions:set 19:36:59 <kohsuke_> and then when you merge it back to the master the master gets 1.680-SNAPSHOT 19:37:14 <jglick> And again if a second hotfix is needed, master goes to 1.681, etc. 19:37:22 <hare_brain> Yaeh 19:37:29 <jglick> Why would you merge anything back to master? 19:37:30 <kohsuke_> ... or if you are anxious to set the master to the right maven version you can run version:set again 19:37:40 <jglick> This is just a cherry-pick of something already done in master. 19:38:11 <KostyaSha> i usually draw pictures with flows for such discussions :) 19:38:14 <jglick> I see no need to merge. 19:38:55 <kohsuke_> I find it more peaceful to have one release tag reachable from another release tag 19:38:59 <jglick> IOW, the fix is done in master (as a PR, whatever), then after some conferring among core devs, a hotfix branch is set up, the relevant changes cherry-picked and a release cut. 19:39:12 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_ you current approach probably ok for general releases, were you have merges/versions etc. For hotfix we need branch without merging back to fix exact issue 19:39:26 <jglick> Well the merge back to master is one of the error-prone parts of the current rc scheme that I wanted to get rid of. 19:39:30 <KostyaSha> *your 19:39:56 <KostyaSha> btw, cloudbees also automerging something to master? 19:40:51 <jglick> Huh? 19:41:02 <danielbeck> KostyaSha Isn't this going off topic? 19:41:29 <kohsuke_> The merge commit back from hotfix to master will be largely celemonial, so while I don't understand why people strongly about it, but I'm OK to give up that one too 19:41:31 <KostyaSha> danielbeck, maybe 19:41:54 <jglick> Yeah it is supposed to be ceremonial, but at least when you do it, the result is very often wrong. 19:42:00 <hare_brain> LOL 19:42:10 <kohsuke_> The error prone part of the rc scheme is going away, and we are not arguing that. 19:42:11 <jglick> Something weird goes on, I guess w.r.t. conflicts in changelog.html. 19:42:29 <danielbeck> changelog should just work like github pages IMO 19:42:42 <jglick> danielbeck: how so? 19:42:50 <jglick> You mean like github.io? 19:42:51 <KostyaSha> separate place for tracking changelog 19:42:53 <danielbeck> separate branch with nothing else 19:43:03 <KostyaSha> or even repo, instead of branch 19:43:03 <oleg-nenashev> Or just a separate repo 19:43:06 <jglick> Agreed, it does not work to keep it in the main branch. 19:43:17 <danielbeck> PRs don't edit changelog in our process 19:43:19 <oleg-nenashev> ... which can be attached via a submodule 19:43:21 <KostyaSha> or this can be generated from jira with correct project setup 19:43:35 <KostyaSha> oleg-nenashev, nooo not submodules 19:43:43 <jglick> PRs *could* edit changelog.html but then they will usually be merge conflicts. 19:43:58 <danielbeck> KostyaSha Too error prone, plus issues usually have crappy titles 19:44:17 <danielbeck> jglick Or wrong release given how long they stick around 19:44:20 <KostyaSha> danielbeck, plus CB fixes without jira ids 19:44:25 <kohsuke_> All right, let's just agree to stop the rc branching practice 19:44:35 <jglick> FWIW my original proposal was for the changelog to be autogenerated from Git history. Anyway this is diverging. 19:44:53 <jglick> kohsuke_ so will you write up a concrete proposal for its replacement? 19:44:55 <kohsuke_> and when the next hot fix comes we can fight out the details of that branching practice 19:45:15 <kohsuke_> and I declare changelog automation to be a whole separate conversation 19:45:28 <danielbeck> one minor issue though 19:45:29 <jglick> I think we need something determined in advance, b/c when the hot fix is needed there will not be much time, and you might not even be available. 19:46:02 <danielbeck> how often are changes done in master that break things, but discovered by devs within 1-2 days to fix them? How affected will the new release process be? 19:46:33 <jglick> danielbeck: well usually I do the breaking and you do the discovering :-) 19:46:51 <ogondza> danielbeck: rarely, I would say 19:47:15 <KostyaSha> jglick, he should have part of your salary :D 19:47:43 <kohsuke_> So proposal is: "mainline release comes directly off the master branch in the same cadence. In case of a hot fix release, we'll create a temporary branch right at the point of 1.N, cherry-pick, and release 1.${N+1} from there" 19:47:48 <zirpu> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-27246 anyone have a fresh jenkins instance that they can test this bug on ? i'd like to know if i'm just insane somehow. 19:47:49 <jenkins-admin> JENKINS-27246:adding ssh credentials for jenkins to use generates an "Oops" page. (Open) https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-27246 19:48:07 <danielbeck> zirpu Please wait a bit, meeting in progress 19:48:14 <zirpu> oops. sorry. 19:48:28 <danielbeck> kohsuke_ looks good. If it doesn't work out we can modify it. 19:48:34 <kohsuke_> yeah 19:48:47 <jglick> kohsuke_ +1 19:49:03 <kohsuke_> #agreed mainline release comes directly off the master branch in the same cadence. In case of a hot fix release, we'll create a temporary branch right at the point of 1.N, cherry-pick, and release 1.${N+1} from there 19:49:08 <KostyaSha> will it be possible to release withou kk? 19:49:22 <jglick> That is a very good question. 19:49:25 <kohsuke_> We are slowing getting there as a part of SPoF elimination 19:49:30 <KostyaSha> if not then make zero sense 19:49:41 <danielbeck> kk told me I can break into his basement if a release is needed :-) 19:49:42 <kohsuke_> I wouldn't say "zero sense" 19:49:46 <danielbeck> at least that's what I heard 19:49:56 <kohsuke_> danielbeck: no, you made that up, sir 19:50:05 <kohsuke_> and I don't have basement! 19:50:24 <jglick> Well compared to the current state, at least the hotfix branch can be prepared and kohsuke_ asked to run a release on that day, rather than waiting until the next Wed or whatever it is. 19:51:04 <jglick> But yes the automation needs to be built. 19:51:49 <zkay11> Anyone willing to help me troubleshoot some issues with the jenkins-mesos plugin? I'm just trying to deploy it, but doing so by first deploying a jenkins-master in a docker container to marathon. 19:52:01 <KostyaSha> zkay11, meeting, ask later 19:52:44 <KostyaSha> gentoo for example creating separate channel for meetings 19:52:45 <kohsuke_> To me, the ultimate power of my lead role came from the fact that I eventually controlled what gets released. So I hope people understand this is a big change for me. 19:52:57 <danielbeck> one issue at a time 19:52:59 <kohsuke_> #topic Governance Document Updates 19:53:23 <kohsuke_> First, trademark 19:53:38 <kohsuke_> And yes, we finally have a mark, but it came with some fineprints 19:53:56 <kohsuke_> Apparently there are multiple classes of trademark and we were only awarded with the weaker one 19:54:44 <kohsuke_> I'll forward the email, and if anyone is willing to understand the difference, you have my support 19:55:32 <kohsuke_> #action kohsuke to forward the trademark registration email from SFC 19:55:55 <kohsuke_> Agreed that we should have more information about the board 19:56:17 <kohsuke_> I guess we should have a separate Wiki page that lists the current members 19:56:28 <KostyaSha> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Document#GovernanceDocument-Boards 19:56:52 <KostyaSha> add here or split page to multiple 19:56:58 <danielbeck> for some of the real roles it would be helpful to know who is what 19:57:03 <kohsuke_> I think a specific rev of the governance document is blessed, so putting it in another document simplifies updating 19:57:09 <danielbeck> "real" roles as in, not just plugin dev or user 19:57:42 <kohsuke_> I don't want to get into real vs not, but I think it's fair to call out individual names of the board 19:58:29 <danielbeck> by that I just meant those that are actually enumerable 19:58:35 <danielbeck> infra may be helpful as well 19:58:39 <kohsuke_> wrt "release process", I don't think that document should say anything about nitty gritty branching details 19:59:52 <kohsuke_> So it should just say this meeting decides the details of the release process and leave it at that 20:00:16 <orrc> sure 20:00:33 <kohsuke_> ... which probably means we need the mainline version of https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LTS+Release+Line 20:01:53 <kohsuke_> I have hard stop at noon so I really need to wrap this up, but would orrc be interested in taking a shot at updating the doc? 20:02:08 <orrc> yeah, I just realised it's not protected; I thought it was 20:02:23 <orrc> so yeah, I can fix up a bunch of stuff 20:02:35 <kohsuke_> I think the updates are mainly cosmetic and I don't think anything suggested there is controversial 20:02:45 <orrc> indeed 20:03:27 <kohsuke_> KostyaSha: I'm afraid we'll have to move your topic to the next meeting 20:03:35 <kohsuke_> #topic next meeting 20:04:06 <kohsuke_> #info next meeting is March 18th same time 20:04:16 <KostyaSha> kohsuke_ ok, wasted 2h :D i will be glad to be unblocked with github-api issue also, waiting it fulltime 20:04:44 <kohsuke_> I have no idea when DST starts kicking in, but I hope it won't affect the next one 20:04:49 <hare_brain> 8th 20:04:53 <hare_brain> This weekend 20:04:54 <KostyaSha> ouch, logging of meeting not end 20:05:08 <kohsuke_> oh, so the next one IS affected by DST 20:05:13 <hare_brain> Yes. 20:05:22 <kohsuke_> #info beware of DST change 20:05:26 <kohsuke_> #endmeeting