19:01:42 <kohsuke> #startmeeting 19:01:42 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 19:01:47 <kohsuke> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda 19:02:00 <kohsuke> #topic FOSDEM planning 19:02:54 <kohsuke> I haven't caught up on the flyer thread but will there be one this year? 19:03:03 <fredg02> yes 19:03:20 <kohsuke> I guess I need to bring more stickers 19:03:27 <fredg02> they are printed and ready to be handed out 19:03:50 <fredg02> will there be any bobble heads? 19:03:52 <kohsuke> #info and I've convinced alyssa to donate left-over JUC T-shirts so that we can sell them at FOSDEM 19:04:01 <fredg02> nice! 19:04:19 <kohsuke> I believe there's about one box worth of it. two dozens or so 19:04:30 <kohsuke> Does anyone know how much we should charge for those? 19:04:48 <fredg02> t-shirts? 19:04:54 <kohsuke> Yes 19:05:27 <fredg02> something between 10-20 euros should be reasonable, I think 19:06:23 <kohsuke> OK, maybe we'll start with 20 and see how it goes 19:06:32 <kohsuke> We just need to get rid of them all by the time FOSDEM ends :-) 19:06:46 <fredg02> that should be no problem ;) 19:07:02 <kohsuke> wrt bobble head, I'm not sure if I have enough room in luggage to bring them with me 19:07:09 <kohsuke> I wonder if rtyler can take some with him? 19:07:42 <kohsuke> I have another CloudBees guy visiting us in the office this week, so I'll check with him to see if he can carry some and then ship it to Brussels 19:08:11 <fredg02> at least one for decorating the stand would be nice 19:08:28 <kohsuke> OK, that should be doable 19:08:45 <fredg02> is anyone else of the FOSDEM crew around today? 19:09:09 <kohsuke> There's orrc 19:09:46 <fredg02> but he's very quiet ;) 19:10:04 <kohsuke> rsandell and ndeloof aren't here 19:10:08 <kohsuke> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/FOSDEM 19:10:17 <kohsuke> All right, I'll just capture what we can in that page 19:10:31 <stephenc> hey! 19:11:13 <fredg02> I guess we can also do some preparation at the hackathon on friday? 19:11:39 <kohsuke> Yes, are you planning to come? http://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/149899162/ 19:11:49 <kohsuke> stephenc: are you coming to FOSDEM after all? 19:11:56 <stephenc> @kohsuke.... that's still up in the air 19:12:00 <kohsuke> Like I said, I'd encourage that 19:12:03 <stephenc> I may do the friday only 19:12:13 <stephenc> I don't think I'd be let do Fri+Sat 19:12:25 <stephenc> there's an 8pm flight back 19:12:48 <stephenc> so that would give me 10:20am-5:00pm 19:12:49 <fredg02> yes, I just haven't singed up on the meetup page 19:13:03 <stephenc> @kohsuke friday is in our offices, yes? 19:13:08 <kohsuke> Last year we tried to schedule who mans the stand when without much success: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/FOSDEM+2013 19:13:12 <kohsuke> stephenc: yes 19:13:15 <jaapio> hi, i'm looking for a good tutorial to start with a jenkins plugin. 19:13:32 <kohsuke> jaapio: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Plugin+tutorial 19:13:34 <stephenc> @kohsuke, this is something we can take off-line on friday perhaps 19:13:41 <fredg02> +1 19:13:43 <kohsuke> OK 19:13:44 <stephenc> rather than littering the meeting minutes 19:14:00 <kohsuke> Shall we move on to the next topic? 19:14:03 <stephenc> +1 19:14:28 <kohsuke> #topic LTS.next planning 19:14:40 <jaapio> kohsuke: I found that one. But it doesn't tell me how te register an action 19:14:47 <stephenc> I like the idea of setting the date first 19:14:50 <ogondza> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/19SF7nG63zo 19:15:15 <stephenc> does mean that we'd be releasing on/near the date and not necessarily giving a commitment to same level of quality 19:15:44 <stephenc> IOW does fixed date mean we are choosing to vary quality and hold time fixed or is there some other trade-off 19:16:11 <ogondza> stephenc, not necessarily 19:16:32 <ogondza> I believe we will be able to sustain the same quality level 19:16:45 <kohsuke> My understanding is that we've automated enough LTS testing in selenium-tests that it's actually almost continuously ready 19:16:56 <stephenc> OK, so... 19:17:12 <stephenc> @kohsuke, did you watch the 7 deadly sins of automated testing talk 19:17:16 <kohsuke> And the variance comes in the form of taking what changes we can take in a given train --- some backporting might have to slip to the next train 19:17:30 <kohsuke> I read the text of the post 19:17:57 <stephenc> ok... I think the audio delivery was more compelling 19:18:12 <kohsuke> I'm a big fan of the train model --- I think it sets the clearer expectation and works better when the bandwidth of communication is limited. 19:18:39 <kohsuke> Let me pull in jglick 19:18:47 <stephenc> ok... so the difference here is that we reduce the scope of backports if we are short on time 19:19:08 <stephenc> I've told jglick to login 19:19:29 <kohsuke> He's next to me now 19:19:33 <kohsuke> So I'm going to proxy him 19:19:41 <stephenc> ha... over by the window I see 19:19:56 <kohsuke> jglick says he's generally in favor of anything like train model 19:20:12 <ogondza> stephenc, some of recent lts releases was delivered within a month and the number of backports was not affected 19:20:17 <stephenc> I like the train model... I just want to know what we are compromising on to deliver fixed dates 19:20:26 <kohsuke> jglick says people are always asking for the next LTS date and right now we have no answers 19:20:51 <stephenc> jglick: can you go give harpreet a slap... waving at the camera is distracting 19:21:21 <kohsuke> jglick is speaking too fast so I've asked him to go online on his own :-( 19:22:02 <kohsuke> Looking back, I think releaseing double-dot releases in a predictable schedule seems doable, but I think we had some trouble picking up the new base version in a timely fashion 19:22:47 <kohsuke> So that's my only concern, but my +1 for trying it out 19:23:25 <kohsuke> I assume it'd be like (a) rebase every 3 months and (b) double-dot releases every one month? 19:23:41 <jglick> I would love to see something like a predictable 3-month LTS cycle: month 0 we have 1.xxx.1 LTS, month 1 we have 1.xxx.2, month 2 we have 1.xxx.3, month 3 we have 1.yyy.1, and so on. 19:24:08 <kohsuke> ogondza: is that basically what you are planning? 19:24:10 <ogondza> sounds good to me 19:24:22 <stephenc> +1 from me 19:24:25 <kohsuke> is 1 week enough for RC? 19:24:35 <kohsuke> Do we want 2? 19:24:46 <jglick> How many people actually test the RCs? 19:24:54 <ogondza> for me definitely. I failed to encourage other people to join me 19:25:23 <kohsuke> mwaite has helped some in the past: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LTS+1.509.x+RC+Testing 19:25:46 <ogondza> kohsuke, have not seen him around for some time 19:25:47 <kohsuke> and in the scalability summit there was more interest from users in helping these efforts in general 19:26:10 <kohsuke> maybe predictable schedule might encourage those users to sync their acceptance testing with our release schedules 19:26:23 <ogondza> jglick, recently me and kohsuke (according the wiki) 19:26:41 <kohsuke> For example Y! people said they'd be willing to run their load tests and tell us the results 19:26:53 <kohsuke> it would have been nice to have rsandell 19:27:07 <ogondza> kohsuke, that is what I hope for, plus i'll announce rc testing on dev list 19:27:49 <kohsuke> What if we start with 2 weeks RC? 19:28:18 <ogondza> kohsuke, I should be able to do backporting 19:28:23 <kohsuke> So that the initial announcement of this change could say that a part of the motivation is to make it easier for broader audience to sync their acceptance testing with LTS? 19:28:25 <jglick> Would the “soak” time restrictions remain the same as now? 19:29:06 <kohsuke> I don't see needs to change it, FWIW 19:29:41 <jglick> It would be good to work backward from the expected LTS release date to the RC date, to the weekly release date of the last soak time, to the rc branch creation time from trunk, so you can say that a given date is the last time you can commit to trunk and expect your change to be in the upcoming LTS line. 19:29:48 <jglick> This is really opaque right now. 19:30:18 <kohsuke> Let's see 19:30:20 <jglick> For example, I did a bunch of new features including APIs in 1.548. Will these be in the next LTS? It is hard to know today, because the cutoff point is picked retroactively. 19:30:52 <kohsuke> But that'd remain the same, no? We'd really only know which base version to pick until much after it was released 19:31:21 <jglick> Depends on whether we pick base versions on ad hoc basis, or preselect the base version just based on date: the latest satisfying the soak requirement. 19:31:47 <kohsuke> Hmm, that's a big change 19:31:57 <ogondza> i prefer to pick the most stable one (as we always did) 19:32:24 <jglick> OK, it just means there is no predictability about when a given change actually appears in LTS. 19:32:32 <jglick> Maybe that is the tradeoff we want. 19:33:28 <kohsuke> It feels like beefing up the QA effort into the main line release is the pre-requisite for us to be able to mechanically pick the LTS base version 19:34:05 <ogondza> I am afraid that knowing what will be the next lts before it is released can motivate people push changes to those releases in a hurry degrading their quality 19:34:15 <kohsuke> True 19:34:29 <kohsuke> OK, so let's keep the current approach on that front 19:34:30 <jglick> Always a risk with train model. 19:35:05 <jglick> So any resolutions from this? 19:35:12 <kohsuke> So T+0 we pick a new base version 19:35:31 <kohsuke> T+2 weeks RC and T+4 weeks 1.xxx.1 release? 19:35:40 <ogondza> kohsuke, +1 19:35:56 <kohsuke> T+6 weeks RC 1.xxx.2 RC and T+8 weeks 1.xxx.2 release? 19:36:09 <jglick> month != 4 weeks 19:36:15 <jglick> ~4.5 19:36:15 <javabot> jglick, what does that even *mean*? 19:36:51 <kohsuke> Because main line releases run weekly cycles, I find it easier to keep track of cycles in weeks 19:36:51 <jglick> Since our LTS schedules have traditionally been given in months, it does not make sense to talk about weeks. 19:37:04 <jglick> Then maybe we should pick an LTS cycle length in weeks? 19:37:10 <jglick> 13 19:37:44 <kohsuke> +1. I think it's easier for me 19:38:16 <jglick> So thinking by week mod 13, call 1.xxx.1 release week 0, 1.xxx.2 week 4, 1.xxx.3 week 9, something like this. 19:38:17 <hare_brain> +1 for weeks 19:38:33 <kohsuke> I realize in the above timeline, 1.xxx.1 only have 2 weeks for backporting while others have 4 weeks for backporting. Is that a problem? 19:38:55 <jglick> Backporting does not really take long does it? 19:39:08 <kohsuke> ogondza: ? 19:39:09 <ogondza> no 19:39:42 <kohsuke> OK, so that model is OK. 19:40:13 <jglick> Maybe 0/5/10 is a clearer release schedule (13 is the next LTS .1). 19:40:31 <jglick> Sometime around 9 you are picking the baseline for the next LTS. 19:41:08 <kohsuke> OK 19:41:35 <kohsuke> If the cycle is 12 weeks it'd match better with the project meeting 19:41:43 <kohsuke> And we'd take december off :-) 19:42:07 <jglick> Right, so just leave the last ~4 weeks of a year as dead time. 19:42:25 <jglick> Good point about synchronization with project meeting. 19:42:46 <kohsuke> week 0/4/8 is the release date and 12 is the next LTS .1 19:42:56 <jglick> Right. 19:43:11 <kohsuke> following your math that means week 8 is the "pick the baseline for next LTS" 19:43:18 <jglick> Rght. 19:43:31 <kohsuke> ogondza, does that work with you? 19:43:41 <ogondza> it does 19:44:23 <kohsuke> ogondza: Would you be able to update https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/LTS+Release+Line accordingly? 19:44:33 <kohsuke> I think we have consensus 19:44:36 <ogondza> sure 19:44:56 <kohsuke> #agreed we'll try train model with 4 week LTS release cycle and 12 week LTS rebase cycle. 19:45:01 <kohsuke> #action ogondza to update the Wiki page 19:45:20 <kohsuke> can we move on to the next topic? 19:45:48 <kohsuke> #topic "Patron of Jenkins" proposal 19:45:56 <kohsuke> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=71435396 19:46:18 <kohsuke> I hope abayer are in here on this one 19:46:31 <abayer> I am here. 19:46:40 <kohsuke> So this is the continuation of the ad discussion from the last meeting 19:47:31 <kohsuke> Because a part of the feedback is that we wanted to call it a kind of sponsorship 19:47:44 <kohsuke> In this proposal I'm calling it "Patron of Jenkins" 19:48:18 <kohsuke> it just comes in at a higher price point --- $750 19:48:44 <kohsuke> Also, in the last meeting the idea was to put the sponsor message on the landing page 19:48:57 <kohsuke> but after looking at the page impressions, Wiki seems like a better place to do it 19:49:08 <kohsuke> ... since we'd only have to show the message once in 7 page hits 19:49:38 <kohsuke> the required donation level is computed based on the price Eclipse charges for their ad --- 400K hits for $2K 19:49:50 <kohsuke> the proposal creates 4 slots to ensure diversity 19:50:28 <kohsuke> any thoughts on this? 19:52:03 <kohsuke> FWIW, that amounts to $12K per year 19:52:16 <kohsuke> That's a lot of money in my dictionary 19:53:04 <kohsuke> Any thoughts on this from anyone in the community? 19:53:18 <kohsuke> It this a good/fair/bad model to fund the project? 19:53:36 <abayer> kohsuke: Seems reasonable to me. 19:53:44 <LisaWells_> I'll vote +1 ;) 19:53:56 <kohsuke> hare_brain: any thoughts? are you still there? 19:54:10 <fredg02> As long as its not too obtrusive, I'm +1 19:54:11 <hare_brain> Sorry, release day here. 19:54:22 <hare_brain> Let me catch up real quick 19:55:22 <fredg02> where would that money go? servers, hosting, etc? 19:55:47 <kohsuke> Currently servers aren't really costing us any money because most are in OSUOSL and others are donated 19:55:58 <kohsuke> There's some ongoing charge for SSL certificates and domain name 19:56:09 <fredg02> bandwidth? 19:56:09 <hare_brain> 4 slots on https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Home for sponsors? 19:56:15 <kohsuke> The other expense of the project has been swags for give aways 19:56:20 <kohsuke> hare_brain: 4 slots across the entire Wiki 19:56:32 <hare_brain> Ah, so global header/footer type of thing? 19:56:36 <kohsuke> but only once in 7 page hits 19:56:38 <LisaWells_> could also use for scholarships/travel costs for speakers at JUC, etc 19:56:54 <kohsuke> Yes, header like the one in codehaus: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Roadmap 19:57:00 <kohsuke> not the wide banner like we've used for JUC 19:58:05 <fredg02> how about buying out cloudbee's template plug-in so it can be finally open-sourced? :P 19:58:15 <abayer> hahahaha 19:58:38 <fredg02> I'd accept a lot of banners in the wiki for that! 19:58:47 <kohsuke> err... 19:59:09 <fredg02> sorry, off-topic 19:59:29 <hare_brain> So when you say "slots" you mean be able to display four sponsorships in the region on the page? Or do you mean display four sponships, where each one could have a different position on the page 19:59:47 <kohsuke> OK, I guess that wasn't very clear 19:59:53 <hare_brain> So in the codehaus example, where they have one ad, there would be four? 20:00:01 <kohsuke> The intention was to only have one box for one message 20:00:14 <hare_brain> Ah, and then rotate through up to 4 sponsors in that box. 20:00:17 <kohsuke> Yes 20:00:52 <kohsuke> One way to think of it is that we are dividing the entire wiki page hits to 4*7=28, and using 1 for each slot, and leaving 24 for no patron messages 20:01:50 <hare_brain> I'm less concerned with the number of times a sponsor/patron message shows up. I was thinking about positioning of the message on a page. 20:01:53 <kohsuke> So I hope it satisfies fredg02's "not too obtrusive" criteria 20:02:27 <hare_brain> I think one box at the top that N number of sponsors get rotated into on every wiki page is reasonable. 20:02:35 <fredg02> it's always the same spot and does not change the layout, right? 20:02:43 <kohsuke> We didn't give it much thought --- I was like "let's just copy what codehaus does" 20:03:06 <hare_brain> I just wanted to make sure we weren't talking about multiple boxes on the page, because then you get into one box being more valuable than another. 20:03:07 <kohsuke> fredg02: yes, that's the idea 20:03:24 <kohsuke> hare_brain: no, only one box at a time 20:03:28 <fredg02> ok 20:03:58 <hare_brain> And no glitzy rollovers, popups, etc. is still part of the criteria? 20:04:23 <abayer> I will personally sponsor the most disruptive ad anyone can come up with! 20:04:27 <abayer> (not really) 20:04:37 <LisaWells_> just text in a box with a small logo - no animation 20:04:42 <kohsuke> Yes, the title, the URL, the text, and a logo 20:04:43 <larrys> too bad the <blink/> tag does not work on most browsers... 20:05:42 <xmj> larrys: can always use oldschool marquees 20:06:06 <fredg02> will oracle be allowed to create a h..... ad? ;) 20:06:38 <kohsuke> The proposal has "the message must be relevant to Jenkins" in the hope of controlling the content 20:07:09 <hare_brain> So there is controlling the type of content, and then controlling the look of the content. 20:07:16 <hare_brain> Any concerns about the latter? 20:07:22 <fredg02> who's doing the approval? 20:07:27 <larrys> And not something like "Convert your Jenkins project to Bamboo" ad from Atlassian... 20:07:51 <kohsuke> We can put "subject to the approval of the project meeting" 20:07:56 <LisaWells_> should maybe change criteria to "relevant to and supportive of Jenkins"? 20:08:12 <LisaWells_> +1 to sponsor subject to approval by community 20:08:23 <kohsuke> hare_brain: the intent was to restrict the look of the content to the same text ad you see in codehaus wiki 20:08:23 <hare_brain> So a sponsor would have to potentially wait two weeks for an approval, then X amount of time to get it programmed in? 20:08:38 <LisaWells_> i don't think they'll much care 20:08:51 <hare_brain> I am probably overthinking the whole thing. :) 20:09:10 <hare_brain> +1 for the proposal. 20:09:22 <kohsuke> thanks 20:09:26 <fredg02> +1 20:09:39 <kohsuke> abayer: ? 20:09:44 <larrys> +1 for the proposal too. 20:09:52 * kohsuke wants abayer's +1 20:10:15 <LisaWells_> these slots only churn once/quarter so will have lead time for the next quarter's sponsors 20:10:42 <kohsuke> I guess abayer isn't around 20:10:53 <kohsuke> #action kohsuke to get abayer's binding +1 recorded 20:10:53 <abayer> Hey, I said it sounded good. I'm +1. =) 20:10:55 <LisaWells_> we should probably add a limit on # characters or lines in the text 20:10:57 <kohsuke> oh good 20:11:10 <kohsuke> I think the size of the box creates the limit 20:11:14 <kohsuke> I'll hard code that in, too 20:11:36 <kohsuke> #topic next meeting 20:11:55 <kohsuke> #info The next meeting will be in Feb 5th 20:12:11 <kohsuke> see you then (or at FOSDEM)! 20:12:14 <kohsuke> #endmeeting