18:00:04 <danielbeck> #startmeeting 18:00:04 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:00:12 <danielbeck> #chair rtyler kohsuke 18:00:12 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck kohsuke rtyler 18:00:16 <danielbeck> hi everyone! 18:00:22 <danielbeck> #info https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda 18:00:38 <bitwiseman> hello 18:00:47 <danielbeck> #topic Recap last meeting actions 18:01:01 <danielbeck> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2019/jenkins-meeting.2019-04-10-18.00.html 18:01:04 <danielbeck> no actions 18:01:25 <alyssat_> hi danielbeck 18:01:26 <danielbeck> I think we can move on then 18:01:29 <danielbeck> o/ 18:01:38 <markewaite> o/ 18:01:42 <danielbeck> #topic LTS status check 18:02:01 <danielbeck> hmmm, no ogondza around 18:02:49 <danielbeck> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/jenkinsci-dev/NKf22rIafiE/0fJFKwCdCgAJ 18:03:43 <danielbeck> I got a fairly late backport in today, and nothing else would be a candidate, so I asusme we're good to go -- but up to ogondza 18:03:59 <danielbeck> #action danielbeck to poke ogondza about LTS RC 18:04:17 <danielbeck> without him around this is about the extent of what we can do now 18:04:45 <danielbeck> anyone else know something, or should we move on? 18:05:48 <danielbeck> let's move on 18:05:54 <danielbeck> #topic Google Summer of Code update 18:06:02 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev ? 18:06:19 <danielbeck> unsure whose entry this is 18:07:33 <danielbeck> doesn't look like there's an update for this, moving on 18:07:47 <danielbeck> #topic Google Season of Docs update 18:07:51 <markewaite> Google Season of Docs application has been submitted by the Jenkins project with markewaite as org admin and tracymiranda as assistant org admin. 18:07:59 <markewaite> Project ideas are being collected. Several mentors have agreed to assist. 18:08:04 <markewaite> Next key milestone is April 30, 2019 when Google publishes the list of accepted mentoring organizations. 18:08:10 <markewaite> Timeline is at https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline. 18:08:21 <tracymiranda> woohoo 18:08:32 <markewaite> #action markewaite submit pull request to propose docs special interest group 18:09:03 <danielbeck> nice 18:09:05 <markewaite> #action markewaite complete pull request to create Google Season of Docs project, similar to Google Summer of Code project 18:09:13 <tracymiranda> fingers crossed we get accepted 18:09:53 <markewaite> end of status report 18:09:56 <danielbeck> thanks! 18:10:04 <bitwiseman> awesome! 18:10:11 <danielbeck> will you post to the dev list on April 30/May 1 with the result? 18:10:17 <danielbeck> or where would the update be? 18:10:37 <markewaite> #action markewaite provide blog posts of GSoD status to jenkins.io 18:11:37 <danielbeck> I guess that's the answer 18:11:43 <danielbeck> thanks markewaite 18:11:55 <danielbeck> moving on… 18:11:55 <markewaite> Yes @danielbeck that's the answer 18:12:08 <danielbeck> #topic Outreachy update 18:12:16 <danielbeck> tracymiranda you're up 18:12:26 <tracymiranda> Thanks, reference is here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/9N3C5lMQ1p0/gjE2QvgiDQAJ 18:12:54 <tracymiranda> #info We have 2 applicants from Outreachy for the next round 18:13:26 <tracymiranda> Matt Sicker says they are both excellent candidates and would be up for mentoring both (with support) similar to the last round 18:13:35 <tracymiranda> We have however, only committed to 1 round of funding so far. 18:13:42 <tracymiranda> For the last round Outreachy funded our 2nd intern from the general fund. This round they have had 11 requests for the general fund so will be less likely to be able to fund a second again. 18:14:24 <tracymiranda> So one question is whether Jenkins project is in a position to fund a second outreachy intern for this round? 18:14:50 <danielbeck> to clarify, who's paying the first one? Also us? 18:15:01 <tracymiranda> yes, we pay the first one 18:15:20 <danielbeck> and the question is, should we pay for a second as well. how much is one internship? 18:15:40 <tracymiranda> yes. An internship is $5500 USD 18:16:24 <danielbeck> I think you and rtyler are the ones with the best idea about what our project finances look like 18:16:46 <tracymiranda> is rtyler around? 18:16:48 <danielbeck> I think we were at 30k or something in the bank last we checked? Did CDF change anything there already? 18:17:15 <tracymiranda> no, transistion to CDF has not happened. When it does CDF will have a budget allocation for such programs. 18:18:09 <tracymiranda> It might be good to do this especially as it ensures funds are spent on Jenkins project and do not have to be transferred to the general CDF pool - makes transition simpler. 18:18:17 <rtyler> I am 18:18:18 <rtyler> sorry 18:18:30 <bitwiseman> +1 to using it 18:19:09 <rtyler> we definitely have more than $5500 in the bank :) 18:19:26 <rtyler> I'm fine with two interns assuming the mentorship is there 18:19:57 <danielbeck> Azure will last us through the end of the year, right? We won't need real money tp pay for clouds and stuff for a while? 18:20:24 <rtyler> correct 18:20:27 <tracymiranda> yes, and by then it azure/cloud funding should be assumed by CDF 18:20:41 <danielbeck> re mentorship, Matt did 2 interns before and committed to do it again, so no concerns there from me 18:20:50 <tracymiranda> +1 officially from me 18:21:03 <danielbeck> +1 lgtm 18:21:46 <danielbeck> any other opinions? 18:22:53 <rtyler> dozens, but not on this topic :) 18:23:00 <danielbeck> you have a blog for those 18:23:18 <danielbeck> well, doesn't look like it 18:23:26 <danielbeck> #agreed we'll pay for the second intern if Outreachy doesn't 18:23:44 <danielbeck> tracymiranda are we done with Outreachy? 18:23:51 <tracymiranda> yes 18:23:59 <danielbeck> #topic next meeting 18:24:18 <danielbeck> That would be May 8 18:24:34 <danielbeck> thanks everyone! 18:24:35 <danielbeck> #endmeeting