18:24:33 <rtyler> #startmeeting 18:24:33 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:25:00 <rtyler> #topic Last meeting actions 18:25:23 <rtyler> I don't know what meeting actions we had last time 18:25:34 <rtyler> so meh, let's just move through a couple of the perfunctory items 18:25:37 <rtyler> #topic LTS status update 18:25:40 <rtyler> ogondza: here we go :) 18:25:48 <ogondza> right 18:25:55 <ogondza> there are 2 backports in 18:26:07 <ogondza> and those ware all candidates by yesterday 18:26:17 <ogondza> unless something interesting has been nominated since then 18:26:20 <rtyler> danielbe_: are there any LTS things you're concerned about? 18:26:41 <danielbe_> no, branch looks good 18:26:47 <ogondza> this would be all that goes into RC 18:26:58 <rtyler> wunderbar 18:27:00 <ogondza> that I will publish tomorrow morning UTC time 18:27:13 <oleg-nenashev> +1 18:27:39 <ogondza> ok, moving o nthen 18:27:39 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: if there aren't any actions/discussions related to GSoC or Java 11, we can just punt and call it a night 18:27:48 <oleg-nenashev> we did not have so many changes since 2.164.1, but there are definitely some portable ones 18:28:03 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler ogondza One item where I really need help is GSoC 18:28:10 <oleg-nenashev> sorry, GSoD 18:28:38 <rtyler> #topic Google Summer of Code 18:28:41 <rtyler> alright, let's chat 18:29:06 <oleg-nenashev> #topig Google Season of Docs 18:29:11 <oleg-nenashev> #topic Google Season of Docs 18:29:17 <rtyler> oh, different 18:29:24 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-docs/vetnRXECqJk 18:29:24 <rtyler> #topic Google Season of Docs 18:29:29 <rtyler> I thought there was a typo 18:29:39 <oleg-nenashev> anyway 18:29:59 <oleg-nenashev> So we have a new program which would be really helpful for Jenkins as a project 18:30:26 <oleg-nenashev> And I got clarifications that this year we should do it as Jenkins, not as CDF. If we do it at all, of course\ 18:30:45 <rtyler> that would be correct 18:31:01 <oleg-nenashev> The problem is that we need to facilitate the discussion. We need org admins and mentors 18:31:27 <oleg-nenashev> And I would appreciate some help w.r.t social media 18:31:48 <rtyler> what did you have in mind? 18:31:53 <oleg-nenashev> We do not have so many Docs contributors unfortunately 18:32:05 <rtyler> twitter hasn't been the best place to reach out to existing contributors fwiw 18:32:50 <oleg-nenashev> yup 18:33:03 <oleg-nenashev> Same as the dev list apparently 18:33:28 <rtyler> I'm a bit lost on what the problem here is, it sounds like we're not capable of doing Google Season of Docs at the moment 18:34:47 <oleg-nenashev> I am pretty sure I can find several mentors even without SM, but we need to find at least one extra org admin to help Rick 18:35:11 <rtyler> SM? 18:35:28 <oleg-nenashev> I have thought that markewaite or bitwiseman might be interested, but they are busy with other stuff 18:35:34 <oleg-nenashev> SM = social media 18:36:05 <rtyler> if you have some tweets in mind, just send them my way and I can wordsmith and schedule things 18:36:08 <rtyler> not a problem there 18:36:19 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler is right. Our default scenario is that we skip GSoD this year 18:36:35 <oleg-nenashev> #action oleg_nenashev to prepare some tweet samples 18:37:13 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: I know CloudBees hired some docs people, I won't mention them by name, but have you brought the topic up with the head of documentation there? It might be in her best interest to help mentor some people to improve Jenkins documentation 18:37:21 <oleg-nenashev> Probably was not the best topic for the governance meeting tho 18:37:36 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: Yes, I am working on it in parallel 18:37:57 <rtyler> okay cool, that's all I can suggest right now. I definitely don't have the time to participate this year unfortunately 18:38:05 <oleg-nenashev> same here 18:38:16 <oleg-nenashev> I just try to facilitate the things 18:38:39 <oleg-nenashev> We are at limit of our capacity in GSoC, which starts soon 18:38:53 * rtyler nods 18:39:07 <oleg-nenashev> gonna be cool tho :) 18:39:18 <oleg-nenashev> Anyway, thanks for your time rtyler 18:39:20 <rtyler> anything else on the topic or in general we should attempt to discuss? 18:39:36 <oleg-nenashev> nope, I do not think so 18:39:42 <rtyler> #endmeeting