18:00:30 <danielbeck> #startmeeting 18:00:30 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:00:36 <danielbeck> #chair rtyler kohsuke 18:00:37 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck kohsuke rtyler 18:00:54 <danielbeck> https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda#GovernanceMeetingAgenda-December6thmeeting 18:00:57 <danielbeck> hi everyone 18:01:03 <andresrc> hi 18:01:17 <danielbeck> good, a response, this means I'm not off by one hour :) 18:01:24 <danielbeck> #topic last meeting's actions 18:01:24 <andresrc> maybe we both are 18:01:41 <danielbeck> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2017/jenkins-meeting.2017-11-22-18.00.html 18:01:42 <bitwiseman> hello 18:01:42 <alyssat_> i'm here 18:01:59 <danielbeck> so last meeting's action was for ogondza to update the LTS calendar 18:02:01 <danielbeck> that happened 18:02:04 <ogondza> yep 18:02:32 <danielbeck> #info https://jenkins.io/event-calendar/ 18:02:47 <danielbeck> no LTS status change for Dec 20 scheduled 18:03:03 <danielbeck> I think that was it for last meeting…? 18:03:25 <ogondza> right 18:03:29 <danielbeck> #topic LTS status check 18:03:36 <danielbeck> ogondza you're up 18:03:49 <ogondza> there ware one late backport introduced during testing period 18:03:54 <ogondza> nothing has blown up 18:04:10 <danielbeck> right, the user name one 18:04:22 <ogondza> JENKINS-47909 18:04:36 <ogondza> no complains reported - we are good to go 18:04:43 <danielbeck> #info https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/VuRTcIqC-Zw/vimeQVHtBAAJ 18:04:56 <danielbeck> #action kohsuke to release 2.89.1 18:05:04 <danielbeck> thanks ogondza 18:05:10 <danielbeck> anything else we need to discuss today? 18:05:18 <kohsuke> Can I get that release going right now? 18:05:56 <danielbeck> I don't see why not -- ogondza ? 18:06:40 <ogondza> kohsuke: go for it 18:06:52 <kohsuke> alright 18:06:53 <ogondza> (xchat died out of blue) 18:07:14 <danielbeck> no further comments, so that's it for today 18:07:17 <danielbeck> #topic next meeting 18:07:37 <danielbeck> Dec 20, which will probably be a quick one given we won't have LTS status :-) 18:07:50 <danielbeck> I wonder whether we should just plan to skip it unless someone has a real topic? 18:08:12 <ogondza> let's plan to skip provided agenda remains empty 18:08:24 <alyssat_> +1 18:08:57 <danielbeck> #action danielbeck to email dev list about next meeting being skipped unless we have a topic 18:09:15 <danielbeck> that's it for today then, thanks everyone! 18:09:25 <danielbeck> #endmeeting