18:00:03 <rtyler> #startmeeting 18:00:03 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:00:05 <rtyler> \o/ 18:00:09 <rtyler> #topic Last meeting actions 18:00:28 <rtyler> kohsuke did release 2.60.2 \o/ 18:00:52 <rtyler> around the dockerhub changes we discussed last time 18:01:01 <rtyler> I have given everybody access that had access before (IIRC) 18:01:16 <rtyler> but I have not yet finished collaborating with ndeloof on a blog post about the change 18:01:29 <rtyler> I know he started a draft, but I haven't seen it opened as a pull request against jenkins.io 18:01:47 <rtyler> that's it for the last meeting actions 18:01:57 <rtyler> #topic LTS status check 18:02:19 <rtyler> it seems that ogondza isn't here 18:02:23 <oleg-nenashev> :( 18:02:27 <rtyler> are there any other folks that could update on the LTS status? 18:02:57 <oleg-nenashev> Some fixes have been backported, but I am not sure the backporing is finished 18:03:09 <rtyler> danielbeck: do you happen to know/ 18:03:16 <oleg-nenashev> I see some lts-candidate tickets without .3 decision 18:03:41 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/3Vz_Db-rNzk 18:04:36 <oleg-nenashev> JENKINS-45057 sucks 18:04:46 * rtyler opens up the ticket 18:05:02 <rtyler> oh that one 18:05:03 <oleg-nenashev> So maybe we want to consider landing a fix from jglick or stephenc into .3 18:05:17 <rtyler> it doesn't look like a fix has even landed in a weekly for that yet 18:06:19 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: we have 2 pending PRs 18:06:23 <oleg-nenashev> I hope to land one 18:06:34 <rtyler> do you recall from the schedule when .3 is supposed to be? 18:06:40 <oleg-nenashev> Anyway, we need Oliver to make decisions, so I propose to take it offline 18:06:50 <oleg-nenashev> .3 should be out in 2 weeks 18:06:55 <rtyler> ah, so there's time 18:07:19 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: but regardless of what oliver thinks, a fix still needs to make its way into a weekly first 18:07:21 <oleg-nenashev> Yep. Usually ogondza releases RCs on Thursdays after the governance meetings 18:07:22 <rtyler> right? 18:07:27 <oleg-nenashev> +/- 18:07:42 <oleg-nenashev> Once we merge fix to the master, we COULD backport it to RC 18:07:49 <oleg-nenashev> Not an ideal case, of course 18:07:59 <rtyler> gotcha 18:08:19 <oleg-nenashev> So let's take it offline 18:08:20 <rtyler> I believe .3 before KK gets back from vacation 18:08:34 <oleg-nenashev> KK is not needed for RC 18:08:38 <rtyler> fair enough, just don't want it to get lost with everybody taking their summer vacations :) 18:08:46 <oleg-nenashev> heh 18:09:04 <rtyler> I'm surprised anybody from europe is here right now, it's august, that's vacation month isn't it? :P 18:09:05 <oleg-nenashev> #action oleg_nenashev to follow-up on JENKINS-45057 in MLs 18:09:20 <orrc> Well, oleg-nenashev doesn't know the word vacation 18:09:25 <rtyler> heh 18:09:27 <oleg-nenashev> Yeah, it's a dead season in Europe 18:09:32 <oleg-nenashev> I already had mine :) 18:09:38 <oleg-nenashev> Next one is after JW 18:09:53 <rtyler> alright, that's a good enough segue 18:09:56 <rtyler> alyssat_: you awake? :D 18:10:02 <rtyler> #topic Jenkins World organization/status update 18:10:10 <alyssat_> hello 18:10:22 <rtyler> I know that I have seen some of the Jenkins project's booth stuff, but I figured you could update folks on the activities today alyssat_ 18:10:27 <rtyler> we have a bunch planned :-! 18:10:37 <alyssat_> A quick update to Jenkins World 18:10:47 <alyssat_> 1,175 registrations at the moment. Jenkins World consist of 5 tracks: 3 community tracks, and 2 DevOps tracks. 60+ sessions, 16+ trainings workshops, plus onsite Jenkins certification. 18:11:16 <alyssat_> wrt community activities, includes: Contributor summit info# https://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/241213280/. Currently 72 rsvps. 18:11:31 <rtyler> #info https://www.meetup.com/jenkinsmeetup/events/241213280/ 18:11:32 <alyssat_> info# https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-jenkins-contributor-appreciation-evening-tickets-32591665549. Jenkins Appreciation evening at Autodesk Gallery If any one here is going to Jenkins World and haven't RSVP'd for the party pls do so. 18:11:42 <rtyler> oh right 18:11:51 * rtyler tries to remember if he already RSVPed 18:11:59 * oleg-nenashev too 18:12:04 <rtyler> #info Jenkins World 2017 is in San Francisco the week of August 28th 18:12:07 <alyssat_> pls do if you haven't 18:12:15 <alyssat_> #info https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkinsworld/awards The inaugural Jenkins Community Awards. Koshuke will announce and publicly recognize the 3 folks who has done great work for the Jenkins project in the areas of advocacy, security and contributions. All nominees were excellent contenders, it was not easy for the committee to vote on this. 18:13:24 <rtyler> alyssat_: what about the project's booth, can you share the plan with that? 18:13:31 <alyssat_> wrt Jenkins project booth, on the expo floor - we will have 18:13:31 <alyssat_> Ask the Experts as usual, panel consist of 19 volunteers which includes frequent contributors, JAM organizers and board members. 18:14:12 <alyssat_> I will write a blog to highlight our experts and their areas of expertise shortly. 18:14:35 <rtyler> alyssat_: I think a number of folks here are signed up for expert duty 18:14:44 <rtyler> alyssat_: anything besides our smiling faces and maybe a laptop we should bring? 18:14:48 <alyssat_> and based on last year's success, at lunch time, there will ten 15-min demos showcasing related topics like Docker, Pipeline, Blue Ocean, Git, etc. Blog to follow as well 18:15:39 <alyssat_> I don't think so. we'll have t-shirts for our experts and goodies 18:16:09 <rtyler> ooooOooooo 18:16:15 <alyssat_> new at the booth this year is PR corner - this will be a dedicated area within the booth where danielbeck (leading this effort) will help show attendees how to do a PR or complete one. The goal is to get new blood to participate in the Jenkins project. 18:16:45 <alyssat_> those are the highlights for JW 18:17:10 <rtyler> any questions for alyssat_ on the topic of Jenkins World? 18:17:47 <alyssat_> hope to see everyone here at the conf 18:17:52 * rtyler watches the clock tick 18:17:57 * schristou is excited! 18:17:58 <autojack> oh that's a cool idea re: the PR corner 18:18:01 <autojack> I like that! 18:18:11 <oleg-nenashev> Any chance we discuss JAMbassador by the contributor summit? 18:18:23 <oleg-nenashev> Seems this thread is dead 18:18:35 <alyssat_> we need to revive this for sure 18:18:43 <rtyler> the latter part of the day of the contributor summit is open-ended 18:18:51 <oleg-nenashev> yep 18:19:35 <alyssat_> oleg-nenashev: let's talk off line on this some more 18:19:38 <rtyler> anything else? 18:19:52 <alyssat_> nothing from me 18:20:06 <rtyler> #topic Infra status update 18:20:12 <rtyler> this should be short and sweet 18:20:29 <rtyler> olblak and I (mostly him) have continued to move stuff over to Azure and Kubernetes 18:21:01 <rtyler> we hit a snag with upgrading our Kubernetes cluster, since it's one of those pieces of technology that's best upgraded with a blue/green deployment rather than trying to update different parts of the cluster 18:21:17 <rtyler> when he's back in the office, we should be able to wrap that all up by Jenkins World and move a few more services over 18:21:48 <rtyler> we've also recently opened the flood-gates for all plugins under github.com/jenkinsci on https://ci.jenkins.io which seems to be going very well! 18:22:14 <rtyler> I've seen a lot of developers taking advantage of it, and the built-in cross-platform testing the `buildPlugin()` method provides 18:22:29 <rtyler> and the only other thing I wanted to bring up 18:23:02 <rtyler> #info There is an infra status meeting every monday at 19:30 UTC on jenkins.io/hangout 18:23:10 <rtyler> any questions before I move on 18:23:55 * rtyler watches the clock tick 18:24:37 <oleg-nenashev> Do we know what happened with changelogs on Monday? 18:24:51 <rtyler> something happened with changelogs on monday/ 18:24:53 <oleg-nenashev> I mean the weekly release changelog publishing glitch. CC danielbeck 18:24:56 <rtyler> oh, the delay 18:25:21 <rtyler> yeah, when I made some changes to how jenkins.io gets shipped off to production, I didn't take into consideration the script on the server side which unpackes the generated site 18:25:25 <rtyler> I fixed that yesterday 18:25:30 <oleg-nenashev> thanks! 18:25:42 <orrc> I haven't taken a look in a while; did anyone get a chance to poke at the board election setup? 18:25:46 <oleg-nenashev> This time the community rating was important due to JENKINS-45895 18:25:54 <oleg-nenashev> Yeah, election... 18:26:01 <rtyler> orrc: that's dependent on the kubernetes work that olblak is doing 18:26:15 <rtyler> he's already taken the original work from ndeloof and prepared it to actually run "in real life" 18:26:24 <orrc> Nice 18:26:25 <rtyler> just needs to be deployed properly with storage behind it 18:26:34 <rtyler> right now account-app is effectively stateless (state is really in LDAP) 18:26:41 <rtyler> the election stuff needs a reliable local disk 18:26:58 <rtyler> https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/INFRA-1127 FWIW 18:27:34 <rtyler> my mental milestone is that once the bloody app is deployed and I can actually /operate/ the election process, then we can do the needful with candidacy/etc 18:28:06 <rtyler> for better or worse, part of the reason this took a while is that olblak had to do a bit more java than he, or I, had anticipated to get this in shippable shape 18:28:15 <rtyler> anything else? 18:28:49 <rtyler> alright, i'm gonna keep moving us along 18:29:05 <rtyler> #topic Jenkins mark usage request from CloudBees for CloudBees Jenkins Advisor 18:29:08 <rtyler> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/jenkinsci-dev/PoxnVCKa9NM/2F2iLlDuBwAJ 18:29:32 <rtyler> this was proposed on the dev list already by kohsuke, who is asleep on the other side of the world right now :) 18:29:38 <autojack> haha 18:30:04 <rtyler> nobody's responded on the dev list about the topic, are there any questions I can answer? 18:30:16 * oleg-nenashev abstains 18:30:19 <autojack> I read the request, and I am +1 to it. 18:30:49 <autojack> meets our past standards for usage of the mark AFAICT. 18:30:55 <oleg-nenashev> I was unable to find any overlaps with existing naming in the internet though 18:31:16 <rtyler> a concern was raised to me privately about advisor being close to "advisory" 18:31:40 <rtyler> insofar that the individual was concerned confusion with Jenkins security advisories 18:31:47 <oleg-nenashev> Also Advisor and Ambassador if alyssat_ plans to stick to that name 18:32:04 <oleg-nenashev> But it's not something really important 18:32:11 <autojack> hm. neither of those seem like a big deal to me. 18:32:18 <rtyler> personally, I don't think this is going to be a concern since our previous conditions with CloudBees have been that "subsets" of these marks are not acceptable usages 18:32:38 <rtyler> i.e. CloudBees messaging should always use the full mark "CloudBees Jenkins Advisor" and never a subset thereof 18:32:57 <rtyler> alyssat_ and her boss are on the hook for policing and enforcement :) 18:33:12 <alyssat_> :) that's correct 18:33:38 <orrc> Seems ok 18:33:46 <schristou> Iām ok with it. +1. 18:34:14 <rtyler> any other questions I can answer? 18:35:12 <rtyler> #agreed "CloudBees Jenkins Advisor" sub-license granted with the previous conditions which have been applied to other sub-licenses 18:35:41 <rtyler> #action alyssat_ to update the https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Approved+Trademark+Usage page accordingly 18:36:26 <rtyler> ogondza: welcome! we already discussed some LTS things. 18:36:38 <rtyler> if there are specific points you wish to discuss, I can bring the topic back 18:36:39 <alyssat_> rtyler I don't have access to update the page. 18:36:50 <alyssat_> Gimme access and i'll be happy to do it :) 18:36:51 <rtyler> alyssat_: alright, we'll figure that out later 18:37:45 <rtyler> #topic Deprecate Remoting CLI1/JNLP1/JNLP2/JNLP3 protocol 18:37:49 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: you're up buddy 18:37:54 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/sN2wHHFOJPg 18:38:14 <oleg-nenashev> So I need approval for a potentially breaking change 18:38:54 <oleg-nenashev> I am going to use approach similar to Java 8, and the breakage is actually possible only in the case of custom packaging and legacy infra 18:39:43 <oleg-nenashev> I have got +1s from batmat and stephenc, but I am ready to answer questions if any 18:40:15 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: the email subject says JNLP1/2 the meeting topic says 1/2/3 18:40:17 * oleg-nenashev noticed "age cases" in the proposal text :( 18:40:19 <rtyler> I'm a little confused 18:40:38 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: JNLP3 is already deprecated. We just need to do it explicit in Jenkins UI 18:40:51 <rtyler> ah 18:41:21 <rtyler> I think this is an overall positive change so I'm an enthusiastic +1 18:41:23 <oleg-nenashev> It has been deprecated by https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/commit/fe2587b7f9d78334e0ab05ab0b95f39b4b600a25 18:41:40 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: is this something that should be communicated like the java 8 change on the blog and users list like batmat did? 18:41:59 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: Yes, I am going to write a blog post 18:42:22 <orrc> Go for it 18:42:23 <orrc> +1 18:42:23 <oleg-nenashev> I also have a long-standing Remoting Subproject branch, which will aggregate blogposts and docs 18:42:41 <oleg-nenashev> Remoting subproject will be released as well this week 18:42:55 <oleg-nenashev> If I pass the review by rtyler of course :) 18:43:18 <rtyler> i'm sure what you've written will be perfectly fine 18:43:51 <rtyler> any other concerns for oleg-nenashev about his proposal? 18:45:03 <rtyler> quiet group today :P 18:45:12 <oleg-nenashev> FYI Remoting will be also updated to Java 8 soon 18:45:15 <rtyler> maybe everybody is busy making their presentations for Jenkins World 18:45:43 <alyssat_> š 18:46:04 <oleg-nenashev> empty comment? 18:46:17 <rtyler> heh 18:46:31 <schristou> (smiley face) 18:46:37 <rtyler> #agreed Deprecate Remoting CLI1/JNLP1/JNLP2/JNLP3 protocol 18:46:55 <rtyler> #action oleg-nenashev to write a blog post to communicate changes to users when necessary 18:46:55 <oleg-nenashev> #action oleg_nenashev to deliver docs and blog posts 18:46:58 <rtyler> hah 18:47:00 <rtyler> jinx! 18:47:22 <oleg-nenashev> will do it anyway 18:47:36 <rtyler> #info https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/2950 is the pull request for those who may be interested in the changes 18:47:43 <rtyler> thanks oleg-nenashev 18:47:46 <rtyler> #topic Next meeting 18:48:12 <rtyler> looks like August 16th is the next scheduled time 18:48:33 <rtyler> #info next meeting August 16th, 18:00 UTC 18:48:40 <rtyler> #endmeeting