18:01:23 <danielbeck> #startmeeting 18:01:23 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:01:38 <danielbeck> agenda for today: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda#GovernanceMeetingAgenda-Dec21meeting 18:01:47 <danielbeck> #topic Recap last meeting's actions 18:01:59 <danielbeck> #chair rtyler kohsuke 18:01:59 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck kohsuke rtyler 18:02:08 <alyssat> hola 18:02:34 <danielbeck> from last time we have postponing .2 RC, which I think we let everyone know 18:02:52 <danielbeck> and batmat determined that teilo's concerns about JDK8 weren't a JDK8 specific issue 18:02:57 <batmat> hola, will be mostly afk, but updated the JDK8 bullet point if possible. 18:03:16 * batmat goes back with children 18:03:30 <danielbeck> #topic LTS status check 18:03:32 <danielbeck> ogondza around? 18:03:36 <ogondza> yep 18:04:01 <ogondza> I have done the testing and have not heard about a reason not to push the 2.32.1 tonight 18:04:12 <danielbeck> great 18:04:18 <danielbeck> well, that was quick :) 18:04:36 <danielbeck> #topic FOSDEM 2017 Plans 18:04:45 <danielbeck> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/FOSDEM+2017 18:04:47 <danielbeck> alyssat around? 18:04:53 <alyssat> yup. am here 18:04:57 <alyssat> #info: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda 18:05:03 <alyssat> sorry wrong link 18:05:20 <alyssat> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/FOSDEM+2017 18:05:30 <alyssat> We are planning for Fosdem, it will be similar to this year's Fosdem. Wanted to see if there are suggestions for what other things we can do at the stand i.e demos, etc 18:05:56 <alyssat> current planning has been documented in the wiki page 18:06:12 <kohsuke> I'm late 18:06:16 <rtyler> I'm working with somebody at cloudbees to create a little pipeline syntax quick reference card we can use at the table 18:06:39 <rtyler> use/handout that is 18:07:05 <alyssat> yup. i think i've updated that in the wiki page...but i had Patrick's name on it. 18:07:15 <alyssat> will update to include rtyler 18:08:37 <alyssat> any suggestions for demos to use to share w/ attendees? 18:08:57 <rtyler> alyssat: I'd rather say: if you want to create demos to share with attendees to work with you 18:09:00 <rtyler> ideas are cheap 18:09:11 <rtyler> actual useful demos are the real work there :P 18:09:38 <alyssat> ok..so talk is cheap...we want action..gotcha 18:09:40 <rtyler> heh 18:09:56 <rtyler> we have ci.jenkins.io and the blueocean dogfood server which are always on and available for pointing to 18:11:01 <oleg-nenashev> I can show LibreCores CI if anybody of hardware guys appears at the stand (Pipeline + BO + ara-specific stuff) 18:11:05 <oleg-nenashev> *area 18:11:35 <alyssat> thnx oleg 18:12:36 <oleg-nenashev> It needs internet access on the other hand :( 18:12:45 <rtyler> FOSDEM has internet access! 18:13:23 <rtyler> alyssat: I don't think you're going to get much more demo volunteers in this meeting :) 18:13:24 <alyssat> i'll send out an email to fosdem + events mailing lists as well in case we have other volunteers/suggestions. 18:13:33 <rtyler> what else ya got? 18:13:34 <alyssat> yeah i don't think so either. 18:13:59 <alyssat> besides demos i'm open for suggestions on what others suggest 18:14:28 <alyssat> if there isn't any other suggestions I think we are good. 18:14:43 <rtyler> alyssat: where should people who wish to help make FOSDEM happen get involved? 18:15:30 <alyssat> at the table stand on feb 4 @ 9am 18:15:43 <rtyler> uh 18:15:46 <rtyler> how about before then? :P 18:15:46 <alyssat> I think we are in the K building 18:15:56 <rtyler> I meant people to help /you/ :) 18:16:17 <alyssat> i'll update the wiki page once I have more info about that 18:16:20 <alyssat> :P 18:16:31 <alyssat> right now it's TBD 18:17:08 <rtyler> #info join the #jenins-community channel to discuss more FOSDEM planning or events@lists.jenkins-ci.org 18:17:08 <alyssat> i'm good if there's no other questions 18:17:14 <rtyler> #topic Infra update 18:17:26 <rtyler> I just wanted t ogive a brief update on where our infra migration to Azure is 18:17:44 <rtyler> CloudBees received hired olblak who has been helping me with the work 18:18:21 <rtyler> we're using the infra@lists.jenkins-ci.org mailing list and creating Intra Enhancement Proposal documents to capture our plans/designs 18:18:28 <rtyler> https://github.com/jenkins-infra/iep 18:18:46 <rtyler> as per usual, more help is always welcome :) 18:19:05 <rtyler> any general or specific infra team questions before I move on? 18:19:32 <kohsuke> not from here 18:20:07 <rtyler> #topic JDK8 baseline upgrade followup 18:20:14 <rtyler> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/fo5nKLhZK5U/IRJdMeS6CgAJ 18:20:19 <rtyler> timeline proposed by ogondza ^ 18:20:27 <rtyler> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/fo5nKLhZK5U/uh3IK_fzEAAJ 18:20:34 <rtyler> timeline around windows issues/fixes ^ 18:20:55 <rtyler> since batmat is here, I'm not sure what the goal of this agenda item is :/ 18:20:59 <ogondza> ftr, I do not plan to fix the windows issues mentioned :p 18:21:10 <rtyler> heh 18:21:34 <rtyler> Slide-o-Mix has been working to get jenkins core to run its builds and tests on Windows as well as Linux 18:21:49 <rtyler> aside from that, I'm not sure what there is to discuss in this meeting slot 18:22:07 <batmat> Goal is to agree/decide on this, and start the plan rtyler 18:22:19 <ogondza> I more or less agree with what batmat suggested. Perhaps I would be more comfortable to have the build passing on windows _before_ announcing the drop 18:22:35 <batmat> I can create the blog entry PR 18:22:42 <rtyler> OH HEY IT'S BATMAT 18:22:43 <ogondza> (not hurry to fix it to meet the schedule) 18:23:25 <rtyler> I'm in favor of batmat's proposal 18:23:28 <batmat> ogondza: well, there should not be a real hurry after slide analysis 18:23:36 <kohsuke> Where is the "proposed timeline by ogondza" ? 18:23:38 <rtyler> I'm also in favor of batmat fixing the windows issue xD 18:23:42 <batmat> like there"s one actual one to fix 18:23:47 <batmat> I can do it 18:23:51 <oleg-nenashev> FYI I'm going to drop the .NET2 and 3.5 support in WinSW within maybe 1 year 18:24:00 <kohsuke> oh never mind now the link worked 18:25:17 <kohsuke> From 6->7 we had some time period during which new class file shipped but we held off using new language features 18:25:18 <batmat> This thread has been going on since September or IIRC, so though there's no hurry, maybe now we have an agreement that at least we can announce it so users can act upon it 18:25:32 <batmat> ogondza: and we can just delay more the time of the weekly upgrade 18:25:38 <kohsuke> Am I right that the new plan doesn't have that phase? 18:25:41 <batmat> keeping the announce asap, so that users have time 18:25:52 <rtyler> batmat: considering the timing of the holidays, if you write a blog post today I wouldn't suggest publishing it until jan 4-5th at the earliest 18:26:03 <rtyler> that gives us time to make windows builds pass I hope 18:26:07 <batmat> rtyler: agreed 18:26:11 <batmat> agreed too 18:26:13 <batmat> gtg 18:27:01 <rtyler> it doesn't seem like there have been any concrete objections, so I suggest we keep plotting away at this work and continue the discussion on jenkinsci-dev 18:27:04 <ogondza> kohsuke: what was the point for staying away of new api? backportability/revertability? 18:27:53 <batmat> rtyler: hence the pt here is just to move on, or not. Since yes, there seems to me we have an agreement there now. 18:28:06 <kohsuke> Revertability; if we get a surprising reaction from users, that would allow us to backpedal 18:29:08 <ogondza> kohsuke: do you think it is a concern if we announce it in advance? 18:29:09 <rtyler> per batmat's and others' points, JDK7 is dead 18:29:12 <rtyler> :P 18:29:37 <batmat> rtyler: or we should then at some point introduce an Apache like voting concept on the dev ml if you want decisions be assessable there 18:30:01 <rtyler> I don't think we should prematurely optimize for a negative reaction when literally nothing has been communicated to the broader user base baout our intentions 18:30:15 <kohsuke> ogondza: No. With 6->7, it was announcement, then class file change, then using new APIs 18:30:26 <rtyler> batmat: that's a yak shave for another time please 18:31:05 <kohsuke> All right, I guess I will not rock the boat given the effort that went into driving this consensus 18:33:04 * rtyler waits for any other comments/discussion 18:34:16 <rtyler> okie doke; seems like we're fine to continue moving forward for now with the tentative timeline that ogondza put forward which batmat is helping to drive 18:34:27 <rtyler> subject to crazy shenanigans with windows cropping up of course :) 18:34:52 <rtyler> but I think we'll have to wait and see how much stuff is minorly problematic versus very broken once Slide's Jenkinsfile changes merge 18:35:15 <rtyler> #topic Next meeting 18:35:33 <rtyler> the calendar says two weeks would be january 4th 18:35:49 <kohsuke> Happy new year 18:35:50 <rtyler> that seems reasonable to me, probably sparsely attended because of all those vacations though :) 18:36:06 <rtyler> #info next meeting january 4th, same time, same place, new year 18:36:13 <rtyler> #endmeeting