18:01:26 <rtyler> #startmeeting 18:01:26 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:01:32 <rtyler> #chair kohsuke danielbeck hare_brain 18:01:32 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck hare_brain kohsuke rtyler 18:01:51 <kohsuke> Hmm, https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda is empty 18:01:54 <rtyler> #topic Last meeting actions 18:02:02 <rtyler> yep, so we'll do the usual real quick 18:02:07 <kohsuke> sounds good 18:02:15 <rtyler> the only action was the release 2.19.2 18:02:16 <danielbeck> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2016/jenkins-meeting.2016-10-26-18.00.html 18:02:18 <rtyler> which happened yeah? 18:02:24 <danielbeck> yep 18:02:31 <rtyler> \o/ 18:02:37 <rtyler> moving on then :D 18:02:42 <rtyler> #topic LTS status check 18:03:05 <danielbeck> ogondza isn't around 18:03:13 <rtyler> ruh roh 18:04:08 <rtyler> well.. 18:04:16 <rtyler> danielbeck: do you know anything about where we are? 18:04:21 <rtyler> backporting started for .3 didn't it? 18:04:31 <danielbeck> fairly active at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/Ejm1LrMf4h0/Hhz9HDwnAgAJ 18:05:11 <danielbeck> Seems there's one outstanding backport which will be included with https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/2627 as followup 18:05:20 <jglick> Active discussion about the B.O. I18N backport last I saw. 18:05:36 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: you around? 18:05:38 <jglick> right 18:06:37 <jglick> I suppose the status is “wrapping up”? 18:06:41 <rtyler> heh 18:07:00 <rtyler> if there's nothing that needs to be discussed here as far as the LTS for 2.19.3 is concerned, then that's no big deal IMO 18:07:05 <danielbeck> right 18:07:32 <rtyler> anything else on this topic? 18:07:39 <danielbeck> #action danielbeck to send another UTC reminder to the dev list 18:07:53 <danielbeck> (it's not like ogondza to miss a meeting) 18:07:53 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: Sorry, was offline 18:08:24 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: are there any issues around the LTS that you want to raise while we're on the topic? 18:08:30 <oleg-nenashev> i think the RC is more or less ready. Yesterday we integrated the most of the stuff 18:08:50 <oleg-nenashev> The only left issue is BlueOcean localization patch 18:09:19 <oleg-nenashev> looking for the thread 18:09:24 <kohsuke> I think we should move on 18:09:30 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev we linked that above already 18:09:41 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev so if that's all, we're up to date 18:09:45 <oleg-nenashev> nice 18:09:48 <rtyler> \o/ 18:09:57 <oleg-nenashev> JENKINS-35845 is pending, other stuff is integrated 18:10:14 <rtyler> I'm going to throw a heads-up topic in real quick 18:10:20 <oleg-nenashev> kohsuke: Maybe off-topic, but we need remoting-3.1 release for the next LTS 18:10:27 <kohsuke> oleg-nenashev: already done 18:10:30 <oleg-nenashev> ty 18:10:36 <rtyler> #topic Some release archives served via Azure blob storage 18:10:49 <rtyler> this is just a heads-up for posterity to be honest 18:11:08 <rtyler> #info right no we're seving HTTPs downloads for pkg.jenkins.io for debian/opensuse/redhat repositories via Azure blob storage 18:11:30 <jglick> So long as there are backups elsewhere, sounds fine. 18:11:33 <rtyler> we're not fronting any more traffic via Azure right now just because I don't have enough data on whether it's been successful thus far or not 18:11:45 <danielbeck> what defines success? 18:12:00 <rtyler> lack of complaints :P 18:12:13 <rtyler> well, also there are Azure metrics which show less than 100^ deliverability success rates 18:12:27 <rtyler> I have a support call with Microsoft tomorrow to ask more about what that metric means 18:12:46 <rtyler> if they're just tracking clients' connection resets, then that's not a concern 18:13:05 <rtyler> jglick: Azure blob storage is geographically redundant 18:13:55 <rtyler> danielbeck: I'm also using this experiment to get an idea of whether my cost models are correct 18:14:30 <rtyler> but please keep an eye out for IRC, mailing list, or twitter traffic which might suggest end-users are seeing anything other than stellar experiences with these downloads 18:14:48 <rtyler> any questions befoer moving on? 18:14:55 <danielbeck> no 18:15:20 <rtyler> #topic Next meeting 18:15:43 <rtyler> Nov 23rd is the week of thanksgiving in the US 18:15:55 <rtyler> not a big deal, but there might be a fair bit of vacations floating around then 18:16:00 <rtyler> any qualms with that day? 18:16:11 <danielbeck> not from me but we could ask on the dev list 18:16:30 * oleg-nenashev is out on 23rd 18:16:33 <rtyler> considering t he agenda for the past two meetings, I don't think we should skip 18:16:39 <danielbeck> FWIW 23rd is LTS baseline selection 18:16:42 <rtyler> it'll likely be quick 18:16:53 <oleg-nenashev> yes, we need it 18:16:53 <danielbeck> LTS baseline selection! 18:16:55 <kohsuke> Let's stick to the schedule 18:17:09 <rtyler> okay 18:17:17 <rtyler> #info next meeting Nov 23rd 18:17:21 <rtyler> #endmeeting