18:00:41 <danielbeck> #startmeeting 18:00:41 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:00:49 <danielbeck> #chair rtyler hare_brain kohsuke 18:00:49 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck hare_brain kohsuke rtyler 18:00:52 <rtyler> \o/ 18:00:57 <danielbeck> hi everyone! 18:01:04 <danielbeck> #topic Recap last meeting's actions 18:01:14 <danielbeck> meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2016/jenkins-meeting.2016-03-30-18.00.html 18:01:36 <rtyler> I announced the release officer ogondza 18:02:12 <rtyler> batmat: IIRC you were going to contact jetbrains re: intellij licenses? 18:02:42 <ogondza> I have reverted the backport, pushed the RC 18:02:54 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev ping 18:03:08 <oleg-nenashev> ? 18:03:16 <danielbeck> oh, that action item wasn't real :) 18:03:30 <oleg-nenashev> what have I missed? :D 18:03:47 <danielbeck> oleg_nenashev to finally RTFM on the process < did you do that? :P 18:03:53 <rtyler> haha 18:04:19 <danielbeck> alright I think we can move on? 18:04:36 * rtyler nods 18:04:38 <danielbeck> #topic LTS status check 18:04:41 <danielbeck> ogondza? 18:05:01 <ogondza> all test looks good, no problems reported 18:05:18 <ogondza> we are ready for .1 18:05:23 <danielbeck> #action kohsuke to release 1.651.1 18:05:46 <ogondza> #action ogondza to follow and document the process 18:06:12 <danielbeck> oh, right 18:06:18 <danielbeck> progress! 18:06:34 <danielbeck> #topic 2.0 status check 18:06:55 <danielbeck> So 2.0 RC looks pretty good, no blockers reported so far 18:07:14 <danielbeck> a bunch of changes are queued up for 2.1, so that's be a pretty interesting release as well, I think 18:07:22 <danielbeck> rtyler testfest tomorrow, right? 18:07:22 <rtyler> indeed 18:07:30 <rtyler> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/2.0+Test+Fest 18:07:32 <rtyler> yessiree 18:07:40 <rtyler> I'm going to be banging the Windows drum again like last time 18:07:58 <rtyler> the gist with the test fest is that only "OMG BLOCKERS" are going to change release status for 2.0 18:08:20 <rtyler> but some final sanity checking of all the marquee 2.0 features will be good 18:08:28 <rtyler> I would love for rc1 to be the ga 18:08:37 <danielbeck> … but of course all bug reports will be looked at. Maybe we can get some fixes into 2.1 already. 18:08:59 <danielbeck> #action everyone is to test 2.0 RC tomorrow, no exceptions ;-) 18:09:08 <rtyler> danielbeck: for topic continuity 18:09:15 <rtyler> can we bring the launch activities topic up one slot 18:09:18 <rtyler> and get to the cert thing last/ 18:09:22 <danielbeck> sure 18:09:34 <danielbeck> #topic Jenkins 2.0 launch - go over activities of what has been planned for this release 18:09:41 <rtyler> alyssat: you're on 18:09:48 <rtyler> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/2.0+Launch+Marketing 18:09:56 <alyssat> hello 18:10:45 <alyssat> in preparation for jenkins 2.0 launch, CB Marketing team has planned launch activities as stated on the wiki page 18:11:14 <alyssat> this is just fyi only. 18:11:31 <alyssat> participation is much welcome 18:11:47 <rtyler> I should note that this isn't just cloudbees marketing 18:11:48 <danielbeck> this is for Jenkins though, right? Not a CloudBees product? 18:12:16 <alyssat> both ^^ are correct 18:12:16 <rtyler> resident rtyler and kohsuke have also been working on some of these items too, there's a few blog posts filed in the WEBSITE project 18:12:47 <alyssat> things like press release social media are donated by CB 18:13:12 <rtyler> #info for the release we're using the #jenkins2 hashtag on twitter 18:13:43 <rtyler> #info we're still putting together details around a vJAM event for the 2.0 launch as well http://www.meetup.com/Jenkins-online-meetup/events/230154841/ 18:13:55 <rtyler> (those tasks are tracked under EVENTS-30 in JIRA) 18:14:10 <alyssat> things the community can participate in are: twitter chat, twitter badge, social media images, etc 18:14:10 <rtyler> are there any questions about some of the launch marketing for 2.0? 18:14:49 * rtyler taps on the desk 18:15:07 <rtyler> as always, we can discuss more around the launch, social stuff and JAMs in #jenkins-community 18:15:07 <alyssat> tick tock 18:15:19 <rtyler> danielbeck: that's all we really wanted to surface in this meeting 18:15:22 <rtyler> we can move on I believe 18:15:27 <danielbeck> "Simply "Save As" on the image below and use it as your Twitter badge starting immediately." 18:15:32 <danielbeck> there's no image below 18:15:34 <rtyler> heh 18:15:40 <danielbeck> seems like a copy/paste job gone wrong? 18:15:44 <alyssat> i will get the images up 18:16:02 <alyssat> i don't have it at the moment but will get it up as soon as i have it 18:16:42 <alyssat> danielbeck: that most likely was user error doing it at midnite :o( 18:17:42 <danielbeck> Don't work at night then ;-) 18:17:51 <rtyler> bold card for you to play mister 18:17:51 <alyssat> LOL! 18:17:56 <rtyler> anyways, let's keep it movin' 18:18:13 <danielbeck> #topic CERT membership request by Yoann Dubreuil 18:18:22 <danielbeck> #info https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-dev/M9GeJFo_qcg/4Wax34DrBAAJ 18:19:10 <danielbeck> Another CloudBees engineer would like to help out with testing security fixes 18:19:10 <rtyler> his ICLA is correct and I merged it 18:19:30 <rtyler> in #jenkins-community earlier I verified that kohsuke was okay with this 18:19:36 <rtyler> 17:43 <@rtyler> I don't think there's any critical decisions to be made anyways 18:19:39 <rtyler> 17:43 <@rtyler> kohsuke: you okay with yoann on cert? 18:19:42 <rtyler> 17:43 <@kohsuke> yes 18:19:58 <rtyler> I +1 Yoann on CERT too 18:20:06 <danielbeck> I don't see a problem here either. We can certainly use the help in the security team 18:20:23 <danielbeck> So I +1 this request as well. 18:20:35 <danielbeck> anyone opposed? Or has questions? 18:20:43 <batmat> :+1 18:20:52 <alyssat> +1 18:21:11 <imod> +1 18:21:57 <danielbeck> #agreed Yoann to join Jenkins CERT 18:22:12 <danielbeck> #topic next meeting 18:22:33 <danielbeck> April 27th. Same time same channel. 18:22:33 <rtyler> 27th looks fine to me 18:22:40 <danielbeck> The day after 2.0 launch, if all goes well. 18:22:46 <rtyler> \o/ 18:22:53 <alyssat> party!! 18:22:54 <rtyler> "marketing launch" 18:23:02 <danielbeck> oops, right 18:23:22 <rtyler> let's call it, I'm hungry for lunch :P 18:23:25 <danielbeck> #endmeeting