19:03:17 <danielbeck> #startmeeting 19:03:17 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 19:03:29 <danielbeck> #chairs rtyler kohsuke hare_brain 19:03:35 <danielbeck> #chair rtyler kohsuke hare_brain 19:03:35 <robobutler> Current chairs: danielbeck hare_brain kohsuke rtyler 19:04:23 <danielbeck> I forgot the bot commands :( 19:04:30 <rtyler> heh 19:04:32 <danielbeck> #topic Recap last meeting's actions 19:04:48 <danielbeck> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2016/jenkins-meeting.2016-01-06-19.01.html 19:04:57 <rtyler> #info the code of conduct is persisted under https://jenkins-ci.org/conduct 19:05:43 <oleg-nenashev> great 19:05:46 <rtyler> orrc: had time to draft a PR proposal? 19:05:52 <rtyler> I thought I saw it 19:06:15 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: Mailing list 19:06:22 <rtyler> oleg-nenashev: can you #info a link? 19:06:40 <rtyler> ogondza: did you also get an LTS branch created? 19:07:03 <ogondza> rtyler: created, backported and tested 19:07:08 <rtyler> \o/ 19:07:26 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/fGNh6Ln3YXc 19:07:35 <rtyler> thanks oleg-nenashev 19:08:19 <rtyler> moving on 19:08:22 <rtyler> #topic Approving Jenkins Press page and assigned contacts: https://jenkins-ci.org/press 19:08:26 <rtyler> this is oleg-nenashev's topic 19:08:49 <oleg-nenashev> So, it's rather formal since we had no "Press contact" term before 19:09:18 <rtyler> we had whois on the domain :P 19:09:45 <oleg-nenashev> orly? :) 19:10:30 <rtyler> unfortunately 19:10:47 <danielbeck> so the page looks good. Do we want a format vote here? 19:10:56 <oleg-nenashev> So, I'm OK with the concept and the assignees. So I'm definitely +1 on introducing such role 19:11:19 <oleg-nenashev> danielbeck: Yes, I think about formal voting 19:12:04 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev We'll be voting on what exactly? Having press contacts? The wording of that page? 19:12:09 <batmat> Gonna abstain, obviously. (note: I never *requested* to be there, in case anyone wonders) 19:12:22 <oleg-nenashev> Also I would vote for decoupling "About Jenkins" and "Press contacts" into two separate pages 19:12:26 <hare_brain> The formatting is a little off in some places. (The formatting for the "Artwork" header doesn't match anything else.) 19:12:38 <hare_brain> I think there needs to be more clarification on the correct/incorrect usage. 19:13:05 <hare_brain> Emphasize that this is preferred usage for when you are talking about the project. 19:13:20 <danielbeck> (or the software) 19:13:26 <rtyler> hare_brain: "[Improve this Page]" :) 19:13:28 <danielbeck> which have different correct terms 19:13:41 <oleg-nenashev> yep 19:13:42 <hare_brain> danielbeck: Yes, exactly. 19:14:15 <oleg-nenashev> Is there anybody against "Press contacts" in general? 19:14:25 <hare_brain> Not against the intent. 19:14:33 <danielbeck> So are we in agreement that this goes into the correct general direction? 19:14:40 <oleg-nenashev> +1 19:14:49 <batmat> +1 for the principle 19:14:53 <danielbeck> I.e. press contacts, logo usage guidelines, ... 19:15:44 <oleg-nenashev> Should it be a separate section in the tab bar? 19:16:13 <danielbeck> not really a relevant detail IMO 19:16:16 <oleg-nenashev> Which would include CoC, Press contacts and other Aux pages 19:16:39 <oleg-nenashev> Yeah, "Feel free to create a PR" 19:16:47 <danielbeck> Design by Committee :) 19:17:10 <rtyler> Press in the default tab bar is fairly important to me btw, the more obvious that is the better 19:17:21 <rtyler> but yes, design by committee \p/ 19:17:37 <danielbeck> So I suggest we note that nobody's against the press contacts principle, and Oleg will incorporate feedback until next meeting. 19:18:04 <oleg-nenashev> #action oleg_nenashev to incorporate the feedback about Press contacts 19:18:25 <oleg-nenashev> #decision "Press contacts" are approved in general 19:18:35 <rtyler> next topic? 19:18:37 <danielbeck> #action oleg_nenashev to incorporate the feedback about Press contacts 19:18:39 <oleg-nenashev> yep 19:18:42 <rtyler> alyssat: ping 19:18:50 <danielbeck> #decision "Press contacts" are approved in general 19:18:55 <rtyler> #topic Reworking / Shutting down the Jenkins CIA program 19:19:24 <rtyler> this is oleg-nenashev again 19:19:35 <oleg-nenashev> So my proposal is to kill the current program. It's outdated 19:19:59 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/ktTrIZQlNTY 19:20:04 <rtyler> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+CIA+Program 19:20:18 <batmat> as I've already received my CIA T-shirt, I'm OK 19:20:27 <rtyler> heh 19:20:27 <alyssat> i agree to this as i think the JAM program similar to CIA 19:20:53 <rtyler> the only reservation that I have is that sending stickers and shirts will be discontinued as part of this 19:20:59 <rtyler> except as part of JAM organization activities 19:21:12 <oleg-nenashev> "CI" is outdated in any case 19:21:13 <rtyler> not that we're sending boatloads of them right now 19:21:24 <alyssat> we would still send t-shirts and stickers 19:21:40 <rtyler> well, then that will have to be something separate approved if it's going to come out of the project budget IMHO 19:21:47 <hare_brain> Haha. 19:21:47 <alyssat> but not sure CIA t-shirt is applicable 19:22:10 <rtyler> CIA was at the bare minimum a program that we approved to exchange stickers for blog posts :P 19:22:25 <alyssat> so far the 2 shirts sent to Peru and Batmat came out of CB budget 19:22:35 <rtyler> w00t 19:22:51 <alyssat> people hasn't been blogging about CIA but they blog about JAM 19:23:02 <rtyler> KK and I did email stuff back in the day, but as oleg-nenashev points out, it's terribly out-dated 19:23:05 <alyssat> IMO it's similar 19:23:11 <batmat> OK, I'm compared to a whole country name now, I've been promoted 19:23:26 * batmat ducks 19:23:33 <rtyler> batmat: most americans can't find you or peru on a map 19:23:35 <rtyler> xD 19:23:41 <alyssat> lol! sorry batman..i forgot Eddu's name (peru) 19:24:11 <batmat> rtyler: most/many americans can't find where is any non-America country? :) 19:24:15 <rtyler> anyways, I'm in favor of shuttering the program 19:24:25 <oleg-nenashev> Do we still want to promote the "Jenkins CI" term? 19:24:35 <rtyler> but I don't want us to spend money on sending stuff if they're not JAM organizers 19:24:45 <rtyler> of course, if CloudBees wants to send people stuff, I don't really care :P 19:24:45 <oleg-nenashev> We could rename/rework the program, but maybe better to start from scratch 19:24:53 <oleg-nenashev> E.g. "Jenkins MVP" 19:24:58 <batmat> +1, I asked for it because I would sell my family for a good t-shirt and stickers, but I indeed felt this was somehow dup with JAM 19:25:04 <rtyler> heh 19:25:34 <danielbeck> Let's just shut it down and if we think something's missing, start a different program from scratch. 19:25:38 <rtyler> are there any persons *opposed* to killing down CIA? 19:25:53 <oleg-nenashev> New way of voting :) 19:26:07 <alyssat> yay! those CIA t-shirts were way expensive 19:26:34 <oleg-nenashev> alyssat: Could you open-source the image? ^_^ 19:27:04 <alyssat> oleg-nenashev: i think that would be for the community to decide, no? 19:27:38 <oleg-nenashev> alyssat maybe. Off-topic in any case 19:27:45 <batmat> oleg-nenashev: isn't it already on the right? https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+CIA+Program 19:27:47 <rtyler> I think that's it for today 19:27:48 <batmat> anyway 19:28:00 <batmat> no, we had the twitter account from oleg-nenashev 19:28:08 <batmat> IIRC 19:28:21 <rtyler> ah, my page was old 19:28:23 <rtyler> refreshed :) 19:28:25 <oleg-nenashev> Uhh, I was the only guy who bothered to fill-in the agenda :( 19:28:40 <rtyler> TODAY ON THE OLEG SHOW! 19:28:42 <rtyler> #TOPIC Follow-up to the unofficial Jenkins-related Twitter account 19:28:47 <danielbeck> rtyler record decision to stop CIA? 19:28:52 <alyssat> oleg-nenashev: fyi - i don't have the CIA image 19:29:38 <oleg-nenashev> So I wait till the topic gets updated... 19:29:47 <rtyler> #topic Reworking / Shutting down the Jenkins CIA program 19:29:58 <rtyler> #info we're killing the CIA 19:30:00 <rtyler> #TOPIC Follow-up to the unofficial Jenkins-related Twitter account 19:30:06 <rtyler> :D 19:30:07 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://twitter.com/LearningJenkins 19:30:18 <batmat> wasn't a #decision? 19:30:22 <batmat> anyway 19:30:31 <oleg-nenashev> #info It was Jenkins CI School, but it has been renamed after the discussion with the owner 19:30:46 <oleg-nenashev> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/VhEGPZ9_IzA 19:30:57 <rtyler> batmat: it's actually #agreed 19:31:06 <rtyler> batmat: there's no decision, see : https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot 19:31:18 <batmat> ah yes, so above I think danielbeck used it sorry 19:31:29 <danielbeck> Yeah, I messed this up copying from oleg 19:31:34 <rtyler> I don't see any problem with LearningJenkins, they're not using the logo or anything 19:31:38 <oleg-nenashev> So the question is... Do we want to request the "unofficial resource" mark/label? Do we want to ask the owner to change the name? 19:32:05 <batmat> oleg-nenashev: +1 for the label, would be clearer I think 19:32:12 <rtyler> I don't think either is our place to request 19:32:16 <danielbeck> Is this a Twitter feature? 19:32:27 <batmat> as for the name, not sure, what would you imagine? 19:32:34 <oleg-nenashev> And do we want to add the "Please do not draw logos with american candies" to our Press Contacts page? :) 19:32:59 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: Name or summary 19:33:13 <batmat> danielbeck: not than I know of, just that he "unofficial/unrelated account" to the description on the left 19:33:36 <oleg-nenashev> "Learning Jenkins (unofficial)" is an alternative, but maybe it's an overkill 19:34:03 <danielbeck> honestly I like the account as it is now 19:34:04 <batmat> yeah, I wasn't thinking about that in the name. Just in the text below. 19:34:50 <danielbeck> Do we think this is anything but a Jenkins enthusiast tweeting about Jenkins stuff? 19:34:55 <batmat> /whois LearningJenkins :-) 19:35:41 <batmat> danielbeck: seems like. I've crawled the tweets some days ago and didn't find anything else than links to plugins, and so on. Nothing commercially hidden or something 19:35:55 <oleg-nenashev> danielbeck: Yes, it's an individual 19:36:25 <oleg-nenashev> "Jenkins CI School" was much worse, because it makes thinking about certifications, etc. 19:36:28 <danielbeck> I'd rather encourage the guy than tell him he's not allowed to call it Jenkins, or whatever 19:36:41 <batmat> danielbeck: true 19:36:47 <oleg-nenashev> sure 19:36:52 <rtyler> so let's base this in something real please 19:36:56 <rtyler> we have trademark guidelines 19:36:58 <rtyler> #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Document#GovernanceDocument-Trademark 19:37:39 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: I've checked it before the meeting. No violation 19:37:43 <rtyler> right 19:37:50 <rtyler> so why are we talking about it? 19:37:56 <danielbeck> Unless we consider a Twitter account to be a service 19:38:15 <danielbeck> ]:-> 19:38:31 <oleg-nenashev> There is no intention to prohibit the name, of course. The only question was about "do we want the account not to be considered as an official one" 19:38:49 <rtyler> it isn't 19:38:51 <rtyler> full stop 19:38:58 <rtyler> it's not linked or referenced from anywhere official 19:39:03 <batmat> rtyler: IMO it was still /problematic/ with "CI" in the name according to the press page. 19:39:08 <danielbeck> It doesn't even use the Jenkins butler head 19:39:27 <rtyler> batmat: which the author has since updated, which is fine by me 19:39:41 <danielbeck> I doubt this could be confused with something official 19:39:44 <batmat> right. Btw, isn't that missing for the TM usage page? Should it be there? 19:40:06 <batmat> +1 I'm OK with it as it is renamed now. 19:40:20 <oleg-nenashev> batman: IMO the answer is "no". We try to avoid it even on the official website 19:40:42 <oleg-nenashev> So "Jenkins" is fine IMO 19:41:20 <rtyler> so my opnion here is that the author of this account has complied with fair use of our trademark and even recently created press guidelines, so good to discuss and keep an eye on 19:41:35 <rtyler> if they go commercial then we will need to re-evaluate IMO 19:42:05 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: What about a "Unofficial resources" page on the website? Good way to monitor and advertise the site at once 19:42:15 <oleg-nenashev> *the account 19:43:03 <danielbeck> requires us to actively monitor it as it's a kind of endorsement. 19:43:04 <batmat> oleg-nenashev: I was meaning that, as on the press page, on the TM there could (should?) be something along "Jenkins" is fine. "Jenkins CI" is not. But anyway, that's n the subject here. 19:43:13 <rtyler> what danielbeck said 19:44:03 <rtyler> IMO there is nothing for the project to gain from publicizing such resources 19:44:13 <rtyler> only effort to lose in curating and maintaining the list 19:44:43 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: It's similar to non-English resources we want to have 19:44:58 <rtyler> what non-english resources? 19:46:17 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: I mean that the trend is to encourage local communities, so there may be resources we cannot monitor easily 19:46:22 <danielbeck> I think we can continue this discussion in #jenkins, there's nothing for the project meeting here 19:46:38 <oleg-nenashev> rtyler: JAM accounts, etc. 19:47:00 <oleg-nenashev> Anyway I agree with danielbeck. It's offtopic 19:47:25 <danielbeck> #topic next meeting 19:47:28 <oleg-nenashev> So the decision is to approve that twitter account in the current state? 19:47:44 <danielbeck> oleg-nenashev I don't think there's anything to approve. It simply exists. 19:47:50 <oleg-nenashev> OK 19:48:18 <danielbeck> Next meeting same time on Feb 3 19:48:33 <batmat> OK 19:48:38 <danielbeck> #endmeeting