18:01:50 #startmeeting 18:01:50 Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:01:58 #chair hare_brain abayer 18:01:58 Current chairs: abayer hare_brain kohsuke 18:02:30 #topic recap of actions 18:02:48 rtyler to prod kohsuke and the dev list to guage interest for a JavaOne Jenkins Hackathon 18:02:53 I think it's still TODO 18:03:02 #action rtyler to prod kohsuke and the dev list to guage interest for a JavaOne Jenkins Hackathon 18:03:10 "jieryn to speak up again for spam list action if the problem gets out of hand" 18:03:21 I don't think this is meant with any time frame 18:03:33 BTW the list is http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins/2011/jenkins.2011-08-31-18.00.html 18:03:45 #3 and #4 are done 18:03:49 #5 is done as well 18:03:51 #6 18:04:02 #6 "hare_brain to follow up on the dev list with Y!'s findings on using 1.424 as the next LTS base" 18:04:08 I guess we can talk about that when we talk about LTS 18:04:18 #7 "kohsuke to write a draft for core contributor workflow" that's done 18:04:28 #8 "rtyler to update the "bug tracker" link on jenkins-ci.org" 18:04:41 Ithat's done too 18:05:03 #9 is also not meant for any time frame, I think 18:05:11 #10 "kutzi to write down his proposal in the wiki" 18:05:22 this is about terms 18:05:29 is kutzi here? 18:05:41 I guess not 18:06:02 #11: kohsuke to ping Rackspace about transferring assets to the SPI and starting to write off their donations as well 18:06:26 I still need to do it, although I think this action is bit misplaced 18:06:40 because they are just letting us access the machine they own, 18:07:08 and I suspect the person we are interacting wouldn't really care if Rackspace saves a few bucks by accounting that expense as charitable donation 18:07:15 in fact it'd be more work 18:07:30 #12: "rtyler to move mirrorbrain from cucumber to lettuce" 18:07:37 I think that's still TODO 18:07:46 #action rtyler to move mirrorbrain from cucumber to lettuce 18:08:11 #action kutzi to write down his stble/unstable/failed status definition proposal in the wiki 18:08:25 OK, I think this part is done 18:08:37 #info agenda is https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Meeting+Agenda 18:08:46 #topic donation status update 18:09:02 #info SPI has set up the donation account for Jenkins now 18:09:14 Now if only I remember where the link is... 18:09:19 https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=46160 18:09:25 thanks 18:09:54 I think we want to give this some visibility so that we can start raising some money 18:10:16 #idea I guess the link from http://jenkins-ci.org/ would be an obvious choice 18:10:27 Would it make sense to put it in the app itself? 18:10:33 That would be tacky, IMO 18:10:50 In the IRC channel header? (If it's not there already) 18:11:00 a simple "powered by:" link? 18:11:04 top page is tacky or in-the-app is tacky 18:11:05 ? 18:11:11 could maybe work on the Manage Jenkins page, just like it has/had the commercial support thing? 18:11:31 in-the-app is tacky 18:11:40 I'm all for putting it on the web site. 18:12:37 +1 on IRC header. I'm not sure how many clients make it visible, but I don't see any downsie 18:12:57 website header, wiki sidebar 18:13:05 ah, wiki sidebar 18:14:08 I guess we'd create a landing wiki page, then have those links to go there 18:14:11 On the github project page? 18:14:23 then we'll link from the landing page to the SPI donation shopping cart 18:14:36 hare_brain: you mean https://github.com/organizations/jenkinsci ? 18:14:58 I don't know if there's anything we can add there 18:15:07 doesn't look like it, but would be nice if possible 18:15:30 #action kohsuke to create a donation landing page in Wiki that talks about why we need it 18:15:32 I meant https://github.com/jenkinsci 18:15:49 #action rtyler to update the IRC channel header to mention donation 18:16:11 #action kohsuke to add the link to wiki sidebar and jenkins-ci.org navigation link 18:16:29 hare_brain: I don't think that page can be customized much either 18:16:56 We can abuse name / location but that won't turn into hyperlink 18:17:14 OK, never mind. Just a thought. 18:17:42 We'll see how it goes. 18:18:13 #info our immediate goal is to raise $5K to cover the bandwidth overcharge bill 18:18:31 Let's see if we need to shake down some companies 18:18:38 or if we need some incentive 18:18:54 OK, next topic, I guess 18:19:06 #topic governance document review 18:19:16 #info https://groups.google.com/group/jenkinsci-dev/browse_frm/thread/04bbf72c3911ec99 18:19:19 clap clap clap 18:19:24 #info https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Governance+Document 18:19:27 Definitely, well done. 18:19:50 I still need to go through lacostej's comment 18:20:25 Those were mostly about organization, and not content, though, right? 18:20:57 hare_brain: I haven't gone through them yet. If that's the case, that's good 18:21:23 #info My goal is to be able to say that we have "formal document about the development process" in JUC 18:21:53 Looking at his email again, he did bring up some good points about our use of 3rd party jars. 18:22:03 OK 18:22:50 Well, he didn't bring up points. He suggested talking about 3rd party jars. 18:23:22 I think this might be more of an issue for the core, than for plugins. 18:23:42 What types of 3rd party libs are OK to add to the core. When and why we patch them. What happens to those patches. 18:23:50 Hey, if you're creating a 'choice' parameter for users to select from - how do you pass it to the build script? 18:24:15 I can certainly write down our modus operandi for those 18:24:30 Archfree: we're having our governance meeting right now, it would be best if you would wait about 35 minutes and then ask .. thanks! 18:24:55 allowed licenses --- anything OSI-approved that's not incompatible, such as GPL, CPL 18:25:16 mostly copy-left license that requires the whole thing to be some other licenses 18:25:45 haven't you done a lot of manual bridge work to unify all the licenses via some plugin? 18:26:08 we fork them when we need fixes soon, but we also do file tickets upstream to make the local patching temporary 18:26:34 jieryn: yes, in the core, we now require license info for all dependencies accounted for 18:26:47 nod 18:26:49 either via license info in POM, or via the completion script fro those artifacts that's missing that info 18:26:54 yeah, I should write that too 18:27:16 jieryn: no worries, thanks 18:27:22 kohsuke Aren't there some libs that you've essentially forked to make them work with the remoting architecture? 18:27:47 SVNKit comes to mind. 18:27:53 I think the only one that has diverged substantially is Jelly 18:28:18 I thought SVNKit fixes are still mostly reported to upstream, but you could be right 18:29:03 Well it's been close to 2 years since I've looked at your SVNKit patches, so I could be wrong. :) 18:29:25 The other one is Winston where the upstream development has ceased 18:29:43 OK, so I guess it isn't all that simple 18:30:08 I imagine Why Winston? would warrant a page for itself. 18:30:37 The real reason is that when I first introduced that "java -jar jenkins.war" feature 18:30:55 I was working for Sun and our team considered Jetty a competition, so I couldn't use it without taking some heat 18:31:06 I don't know if that's the kind of reason people want to hear about... 18:31:10 Hahaha 18:31:47 simple fact is, winstone has options not available anywhere else 18:32:02 for any embedded j2ee server 18:32:04 I mostly currently think Winston is OK enough that we can just keep using it 18:32:09 Anyway, I think we're going off on a bit of a tangent. 18:32:16 right 18:32:30 Another point from lacostej is CLA 18:32:32 abayer: alright, pull request sent. thanks for input 18:33:05 I think all that we had been waiting for was the final home for the project. 18:33:20 I almost wonder if we should just start collecting this according to our original plan. 18:33:25 It sounded like SPI doesn't have a standard CLA. So we should just proceed with our plan to use the Apache CLA 18:33:31 Yes. +1 18:33:33 yeah 18:34:13 Think we can get that blessed in 9/28? 18:34:22 That'd be really awesome news for JUC 18:34:35 * kohsuke lately is adopting dead-line driven development 18:34:47 ddd 18:35:08 I'll send an e-mail to the dev list about "let's get CLA blessed in 9/28" and see if we hear push back 18:35:27 It has been a contentious topic 18:35:37 I'll start the work on taking the Apache forms and s/Apache/SPI/ 18:35:50 I assume we'll need individual and corporate forms? 18:35:50 but I think we've kind of agreed about the current plan, more or less. 18:36:07 IANAL, but if Apache needs it, I think we should just copy what they do 18:36:41 #action hare_brain to create CLAs based on Apaches, to be blessed by dev list before 9/28 18:36:52 #action kohsuke to publicize that we are shooting for blessing CLA and governance doc in 9/28 18:37:16 I think I'm ready to move to the next topic 18:37:34 #topic LTS 18:37:37 Is there a way, using the Hudson API, to query how much memory a job used or took up, how long it took, what the load was etc etc? I found /overallLoad/api/ but that seems to only be queue load and stuff. 18:37:50 So thanks to vjuranek, 1.409.2 is out 18:37:56 clap clap clap 18:38:10 hudson/jenkins api, sorry... 18:38:27 dan__t: we're having our governance meeting right now, it would be best if you would wait about 22 minutes and then ask .. thanks! 18:38:28 dan__t: sorry, we are in the project meeting now. Will get to your question after this 18:39:01 heh np 18:39:36 so the plan was to start thinking about the next LTS base line 18:39:58 #info hare_brain said Y! is tentatively looking at 1.424 18:40:00 Right, and I had the action from last meeting to report on our findings of 1.424 18:40:18 any updates on that? 18:40:30 BTW, changelog is http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog 18:40:53 We've merged 1.424 into our private fork. It took longer this time than normal because of the refactoring of Hudson.java into Jenkins.java 18:41:22 So we've done that, and we're seeing issues with the changes related to the Jelly escaping work 18:41:34 We're still looking into those. 18:42:09 meaning, your local changes had to be updated to have the XSS prevention processing-instruction on? 18:42:21 That's probably not a real issue with that functionality, but more likely because that conflicts with how we manage HTML sanitizng on our stack. 18:43:02 I guess we should also check if some of the follow up fix to escaping came in after 1.424 18:43:46 At any rate, we're still in our integration phase, so I'll report back with more info at the next meeting. 18:43:52 OK, so I guess the bottom line is that we'll need bit more time 18:44:13 And I think that's it for today 18:44:21 #topic next meeting 18:44:42 9/28 same time? 18:44:45 +1 18:45:01 going, going, ... 18:45:07 gone 18:45:15 And I think that's it 18:45:18 Thank you! 18:45:21 #endmeeting