18:00:24 <kohsuke> #startmeeting 18:00:24 <robobutler> Let the Jenkins meeting commence! 18:00:34 <rtyler> \o/ 18:00:39 <kohsuke> #chair rtyler kohsuke 18:00:39 <robobutler> Current chairs: kohsuke rtyler 18:00:52 <kohsuke> #topic Recap last meeting actions 18:01:03 <kohsuke> #info http://meetings.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-meeting/2018/jenkins-meeting.2018-12-05-18.01.html 18:01:26 <kohsuke> "oleg_nenashev to clarify the Java 11 experimental update center in the JEP-211" 18:02:21 <kohsuke> "kohsuke or rtyler to update https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Approved+Trademark+Usage" didn't happen, but hopefully there's a whole batch to add from this week anyway 18:02:29 <kohsuke> I guess oleg-nenashev is not here 18:03:06 <kohsuke> I'll just carry forward that one till the next year, assuming it's a real action item 18:03:18 <kohsuke> #action oleg-nenashev to clarify the Java 11 experimental update center in the JEP-211 (carry over from Dec 5th) 18:03:36 <kohsuke> Moving on ... 18:03:44 <kohsuke> #topic LTS status check 18:04:24 <rtyler> welp, ogondza isn't around and I don't know about danielbeck 18:04:50 <kohsuke> danielbeck is done for the year I think 18:05:03 <rtyler> did somebody put him back in his stasis pod already? 18:05:15 <bitwiseman> Rejuvinator 18:05:22 <bitwiseman> Just a quick stint. 18:05:35 <rtyler> he 18:05:47 <rtyler> kohsuke: we're not doing anything LTS until the new year anyways I thought 18:05:57 <kohsuke> I think the 2.150.2 release schedule is pushed out by two weeks so I think we can safely punt this today 18:06:25 <kohsuke> #topic trademark sublicensing requests 18:06:55 <kohsuke> So there are 5 all in all 18:07:00 <rtyler> good grief 18:07:04 <bitwiseman> Yup. 18:07:24 <bitwiseman> #info https://groups.google.com/d/topic/jenkinsci-dev/MGZDWfhFaZI/discussion 18:07:43 <bitwiseman> #info https://groups.google.com/d/topic/jenkinsci-dev/jv8oFl9PMM4/discussion 18:07:54 * kohsuke would have loved to have more people around 18:08:24 <bitwiseman> We could table this to the next meeting if we feel it is needed. 18:08:27 <kohsuke> But I do think it all falls well within the line of past patterns of approvals: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Approved+Trademark+Usage 18:08:50 <rtyler> instead of just linking to Google Groups, can we go through these one by one please 18:09:01 <bitwiseman> sure. 18:09:16 <bitwiseman> There are 4 trainings and one distribution. 18:09:31 <bitwiseman> Let's start with the dist. 18:09:54 <bitwiseman> CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution 18:10:09 <bitwiseman> Jenkins X folks approved in email. 18:10:25 <rtyler> nobody from the Jenkins X core team balked at that, so as far as I am concerned that's a +1 18:10:37 <rtyler> in line with previously existing items 18:10:54 <rtyler> kohsuke: ? 18:11:01 <kohsuke> I think this is quite in line with the earlier $COMPANY Jenkins $SOMETHING format 18:11:24 <kohsuke> I'm +1 myself, and in my best attempt to channel everyone else, I can't think of anyone who might object 18:11:42 <kohsuke> So I think we are in good standing to approve this today 18:11:56 <rtyler> #agreed CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution sublicense is granted with the usaul stipulations around usage, etc 18:12:03 <rtyler> #action kohsuke to update the approved trademarks page 18:12:18 <bitwiseman> Next: Jenkins CI/CD Workshop by CloudBees 18:12:36 <rtyler> so all these trainings are just "Foo" by CloudBees right? 18:13:01 <kohsuke> What do you mean by "Foo"? 18:13:16 <bitwiseman> <something> 18:13:20 <kohsuke> Right 18:13:35 <bitwiseman> <your text here> 18:14:08 <kohsuke> We haven't approved this pattern for a while, but I think it's still safely within the line of the spirit -- avoiding the confusion about the origin of the effort 18:14:35 <kohsuke> Again on this one, I'm +1 myself, and in my best attempt to channel everyone else, I can't think of anyone who might object 18:15:09 <rtyler> generally speaking "Jenkins thing" by "Jenkins supporting company" whether it's CloudBees, Praqma, Microsoft, etc, I am comfortable with so long as the mark isn't being abused and the $thing is relevant to Jenkins 18:15:10 <kohsuke> Ah, I take "haven't approved this pattern for a while" back. We had "Jenkins Days by CloudBees" 18:15:38 <rtyler> also presuming the mark doesn't present confusion to Jenkins users, but IMHO "by Commpany" does that suitably 18:16:08 <bitwiseman> +1 18:16:26 <rtyler> frankly, I'm +1 on all four trainings with the usual stipulations, for example that attribution is in place, and the company is using the full sublicensed mark in their materials, including the "by CloudBees" 18:16:42 <kohsuke> Well, you asked for going through this one by one, so let's go through the ceremony 18:17:08 <kohsuke> #agreed "Jenkins CI/CD Workshop by CloudBees sublicense" is granted, same fine print as above 18:17:23 <rtyler> kohsuke: you read my mind :) 18:17:27 <kohsuke> Next: Jenkins Jumpstart by CloudBees 18:17:39 <rtyler> +1 18:17:41 <kohsuke> Same reasoning as before, +1 18:17:44 <bitwiseman> +1 18:17:59 <kohsuke> #agreed "Jenkins Jumpstart by CloudBees" is granted, same fine print as above 18:18:02 <bitwiseman> Next: Jenkins Virtuoso Workshop by CloudBees 18:18:13 <kohsuke> Same reasoning as before, +1 18:18:16 <bitwiseman> +1 18:18:34 <rtyler> who comes up with these names? :P 18:18:35 <rtyler> +1 18:18:55 <bitwiseman> (ex-microsofties for sure) 18:19:00 <kohsuke> #agreed "Jenkins Virtuoso Workshop by CloudBees" is granted, same fine print as above 18:19:09 <bitwiseman> Next: Jenkins X Cloud Native CI/CD Workshop by CloudBees 18:19:17 <kohsuke> +1 18:19:21 <bitwiseman> +1 18:19:37 <rtyler> needs more buzzword, +1 18:19:47 <bitwiseman> (blockchain) 18:19:52 <kohsuke> (btw if anyone else is watching and forming thought, please say so) 18:19:52 <rtyler> heh 18:20:01 <kohsuke> #agreed "Jenkins X Cloud Native CI/CD Workshop by CloudBees" is granted, same fine print as above 18:20:45 <kohsuke> I think it's time to propose some well-known patterns of blanket approvals 18:21:00 <rtyler> I remember bringing that up last year to you ;) 18:21:05 <rtyler> we can tackle that in 2019 18:21:10 <kohsuke> Yes 18:21:31 <kohsuke> I think the argument is that much strong now and more obvious 18:21:37 <rtyler> is that end of this topic 18:21:41 <kohsuke> #topic next meeting 18:21:45 <rtyler> hold on smokey 18:21:48 <kohsuke> OK 18:21:50 <rtyler> #topic SPI business 18:22:13 <rtyler> #info the Jenkins marks have been renewed with the US Patent and Trademark Office by our friends at Software in the Public Interest 18:22:22 <rtyler> I believe the filing fee was around $350 if anybody cares 18:23:02 <rtyler> I'm not sure where we are on the budget, or how the Outreachy stipends are/were paid 18:23:08 * kohsuke feels the government is not charging what the market bears 18:23:09 <rtyler> but we're in the black 18:23:29 <kohsuke> There was an email from tracymiranda about how Outreachy can invoice SPI 18:23:31 <rtyler> kohsuke: if you would like to pay more for stuff, please let me sell you some old junk :) 18:24:17 <kohsuke> I'm just saying good old "Uncle Sam should charge more from other people" American pass time 18:24:37 <rtyler> that's all the SPI things I wanted to bring up 18:24:46 <kohsuke> Great 18:25:06 <kohsuke> Anything else on other topics? 18:25:15 <rtyler> not at this time 18:25:22 <kohsuke> #topic next meeting 18:25:41 <kohsuke> #info next meeting is Jan 2nd 18:25:49 <bitwiseman> Woot. 18:25:51 <kohsuke> the same time as this one 18:26:11 <bitwiseman> The day after hangover day. 18:26:15 <kohsuke> I think 2018 has been an amazing year for the Jenkins project. I'm thinking about doing some quick "year in review" post 18:26:38 <kohsuke> Here's to hope that 2019 will up the game 18:26:44 <bitwiseman> +1 18:26:59 <kohsuke> On that note, happy Christmas and new year everyone. See you in 2019. 18:27:13 <kohsuke> #endmeeting